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16 AUGUST 2016 Good Fruit Grower G rowers wanting to offer an early blush cherry usually turn to Early Robin. Early Robin, the only unrestricted early yellow variety, is one of the most requested vari- eties at nurseries. Competing varieties are usually associated with a club, but any grower willing to pay the royalties can buy Early Robins. However, the popu- lar variety, which ripens roughly a week ahead of the lucrative Rainier, has some unique growing quirks. "It's on a real sharp incline," said Matt Whiting, a Washington State University horticul- turalist, on a May tour of three Early Robin orchards. "And at the same time, I think a lot of you guys know, you're recognizing some challenges with the cultivar." For one thing, it produces low yields. Pasco, Washington, grower Denny Hayden anticipated between 5 and 6 tons per acre in his fourth-leaf block, the tour's first stop. By Early Robin accounts, that would be a good year. The Sweetheart variety, on the other hand, routinely pro- duces 10 to 12 tons per acre or even more, Whiting said. Photos by Ross CouRtney/Good FRuit GRoweR Matt Whiting (right), Washington State University research horticulturist, discusses the intricacies of raising the Early Robin cherry variety with grower Denny Hayden during a May tour in Pasco, Kennewick and Benton City, Washington. The Early Robin is one of the first blush varieties to ripen and is rising in popularity. Know your risks with Early blush variety comes with growing challenges. by Ross Courtney REPEL. PROTECT. GROW. Bird Gard eliminates bird damage from large and small acreage for a one-time cost of around $200 per acre. Grow your crop yields with Bird Gard 888-332-2328 "Bird Gard has saved me hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage to my cherries, blueberries, apples and grapes! Bird Gard is the best investment I ever made!" Steve Lecklider Lehman's Orchard Niles, MI 1-YEAR UNCONDITIONAL MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE Bird Gard Good Fruit July 2016.indd 1 6/7/16 4:13 PM