Issue link: Good Fruit Grower AUGUST 2016 45 CLASSIFIED 509-853-3520 800-487-9946 509-853-3521 fax BINS OVS MacrOBinS. The original PNW distributor offering the full range of MacroBins. 800-653-2216 Ext. 1, www. BIRD CONTROL WiLSOn iS THE LEaDEr in custom bird netting programs for all types of crops. Full line of bangers and bird irritant items. Call 509-453-9983. naTUraL cOnTrOL. The Ameri- can Kestrel Falcon will give you LOW COST bird control. Call Ben at Orchard Guard: 509-910-6598, www.orchard GUaranTEED BirD cOnTrOL Try Bird Gard for an entire year. If you are not completely satisfied, simply return it for a complete refund of your purchase price. 888-332-2328 www. BLUEBERRY PLANTS PrEMiUM BLUEBErry VariET- iES to fit your market needs. Blue Ribbon – high quality, fresh market. Cargo – high yields. Last Call – out- standing flavor. Top Shelf – very firm. Contact us for further insights on all Fall Creek varieties. (800) 538-3001. EmPLOYmENT AvAILABLE cOnTEnT anD DESiGn SPEciaLiST: Good Fruit Grower, the tree fruit industry's essential resource for news and information based in Yakima, Washington, is seeking an energetic and proactive journalist to serve as Content and Design Specialist. This exempt position requires a person with dual skills in both writing and editing and in design. Spanish fluency is highly desired. Duties: Write articles for print and web. Design print magazine pages. Design and build ads in support of sales staff and clients. Copy edit print content for AP style and magazine's style guide. Details may be found at we-are-hiring-content-and-design- specialist. Good Fruit Grower staff are employees of the Washington State Fruit Commission, a state agency and an equal opportunity employer. THE nOrTHWEST HOrTicULTUraL cOUnciL ( located in Yakima, Washington, is seeking a regulatory information specialist. The successful candidate will be primar- ily responsible for USDA organic laws and regulations and assist on a range of other policy matters related to agri- cultural chemicals, food safety, export market access, and other issues of importance to our tree-fruit members. Key focus will be on monitoring and analysis of domestic and international regulatory changes in areas of concern and helping communicate commer- cially relevant changes to our industry. Position requires occasional travel. Qualifications include: University degree with strong academic perfor- mance; excellent writing skills; careful attention to detail; comfort in public speaking opportunities; familiarity with office data and word processing pro- grams (including experience with web- based communication); and a valid driver's license. A competitive wage package, including medical insurance, will be offered. Applications with a let- ter detailing interest and qualifications for the position to be submitted to the Northwest Horticultural Council, 105 S. 18th Street, Suite 105, Yakima, WA 98901 or to: An Equal Opportunity Employer. WE arE a LarGE fULLy integrated tree fruit company, guided by a sense of urgency and a passion for our busi- ness. We are searching for an expe- rienced, executive level financial professional to join our team. A mini- mum of 5 years of public accounting/ related experience is required. CPA license is desired. Competitive salary and benefits (Medical, vision, dental, life, 401(k), paid holidays and paid time off). Interested applicants apply to with your cover letter and resume. ExPEriEncED HOrTicULTUriST DESirED. An integrated, fifth genera- tion tree fruit company is looking for a progressive horticulturist with at least 10 years of tree fruit experience. Our team approach will allow this person to leverage their skill set and help our company capitalize on the latest tech- nologies and horticultural techniques. Competitive salary and benefits (Med- ical, vision, dental, life, 401(k), paid holidays and paid time off). Interested applicants apply to fruitjobs@gmail. com with your cover letter and resume. BLUE STar GrOWErS has an imme- diate opening for a quality control manager. Candidate must have a min- imum of 3 years experience in QC at a pear/apple packing facility and strong computer skills. Degree in agricultural science preferred. Supervisory expe- rience is desired. Competitive benefit package. Salary DOE. Send resumes to Blue Star Growers, Inc., P.O. Box I, Cashmere, WA 98815. FROST PROTECTION frOST Or frEEZE protection got you down? Warm up with AgHeat's propane heaters to protect your crops. Call or e-mail,, 541-400-4875. FRUIT TREES TrEES STiLL aVaiLaBLE for 2017, 2018, & 2019. Supplies are going to be very limited, so order today! Rep- resenting the nation's PREMIER fruit tree nurseries. Stan Peterson Fruit Tree Sales, (cell) 231-499-9292, 888- 333-1464., 2574 S. Bene- dict Road, Ludington, MI 49431. QUaLiTy TrEES for quality growers, sales agent for Van Well Nursery and C&O Nursery. Mike Anderson, 509-952-3538. FUmIGATION TriDEnT aGricULTUraL Products, Inc., specializing in soil fumigation for orchards, vineyards, hops, ber- ries, nurseries, and other crops. Hood River or The Dalles, 971-563-8848; Yakima and Wenatchee, 509-728-2004; Columbia Basin, 509-731-5424; Okan- ogan Valley, 509-828-0691; Northwest Washington, 360-630-4285. cUSTOM OrcHarD Fumigation Re-plant ing? No job too small. Call now to schedule your applications. 509-687-9572. Serving all of Wash- ington. Visit us at CustomOrchard GRAFTING SaLVaDOr ZaraGOSa professional grafting, chip budding, and budding bench grafting. We guarantee 95% take. Mobile, 509-961-2986. PrOfESSiOnaL GrafTinG and ser- vice. Small and large acreage. 20 years' experience. Jose Mendez, 509-584- 0034 or (mobile) 509-949-1321. GrafTinG anD BUDDinG supplies. Two types graft machines, waxes, bud- ding rubbers. Top of the line grafting knives, online, 509-453-9983. Gary McMOnaGLE Grafting, growing for 30 years with over 20 million field grafts of experience, including millions of chip buds and bench grafts. 509- 669-1686. ErnESTO ZaMOra (Ernie's Grafting), professional service, 18 years quality experience. Immediate and long-term satisfaction guaranteed. 509-322-2325 or 509-689-0569. SciOnOn® GrafTinG TOOLS, Bio- Graft™ tape, Bud Clips and other innovative nursery, grafting supplies and equipment. Exclusive US/Can- ada distributor. Download our cata- log and view our YouTube videos at Toll free 800-386-5600. Cell 269-921-6892. Ask for Matt Moser. ZaMOra'S GrafTinG. Many Central Washington growers satisfied with our unsurpassed results. Over 30 years experience. Contact Ramiro Zamora at 509-689-6932 or 509-733-2754. GROWER HOUSING SUPPLIES STUrDy METaL BUnK beds and mattresses for H2A farm worker hous- ing. Two week lead time from order to delivery. Free on-site delivery with larger orders. Call Crown Furniture, Wenatchee, WA, 509-663-4814 or 509- 670-4011; fax 509-663-6326; or e-mail today for a quote. ORCHARDS FOR SALE PrOSSEr, 18 acrES cherries, shop and wind machine. Wine Country Road, 295K, serious inquiries only. 509-760-5484. WEnaTcHEE VaLLEy: Award win- ning organic & conventional orchard in the Stemilt Creek Basin. The land consists of 178 acres with 63.32 planted in orchard; featuring Bing, Rainier & Sweetheart Cherries & Scar- lett Delicious, Honeycrisp, & Pinata apples. Real property includes 3,248' 3 bedroom, 2.5+ bathroom, 2 car garage main home, 3 manufactured homes, worker camp facilities, plus a shop with an office and kitchen. All equipment available in purchase and this turn-key profitable operations owner is available to consult. Unique opportunity, a must see. Jeff Hallman, & Equity R.E. Group. 509.387.0735. For current pric- ing, simply dial 1-800-381-6641 Ext. 1479. 60 acrES of orchard or vineyard land with 47.5 acres of Roza water in Yakima, good sloping ground, never planted. $425,000 OBO. Wilson Real Estate Management. 509-728-0654. 51 acrES prime producing orchard: Great location in Quincy, Washing- ton, 41 acres apples, 10 acres apri- cots. Trellis sprinklers with three wind machines. 509-398-1200. PrOfiTaBLE WOrKinG cHErry farM on the east shore of Flathead Lake. 10 acres with 1500 (+/-) cherry trees. 3 bedroom, 2 bath house, large shop, walk in cooler, tool shed, trac- tor shed and other out buildings. The owner is a member of FLCG co-op and has a strong local sales program. Farm equipment is included. $731,900. For more information, please call Angie Friedner, Broker Glacier Sotheby's Int'l Realty 406-249-2961. 62 acrES WESTErn MOnTana, 7,000 sf warehouse, 2 coolers, 1 freezer. 58,000 sf greenhouses, 3 wells, excel- lent water & soil, deer fencing, equip- ment. 5 acres blueberries, 3 acres peaches. 2,300 sf newer home. 1.25 M. 406-826-0344, ORCHARD LEASE WANTED LEaSinG farMS? Dedicated and exper ienced farmer interested in leasing apple, cherry, and pear farms in Eastern Washington. Call 509-480- 2196. ORCHARD SUPPLIES WiLSOn iS yOUr SOUrcE for all types of fabric and plastics used in farming. Shade, wind screens, greenhouse films, and mulches. 509-453-9983. WiLSOn'S HiGH Spanish style green - house tunnels. Early and in creased production and crop protection. www. 800-232-1174. TrELLiS SUPPLiES. Largest manufac- turer direct selection available: Jim's Supply, euro posts, organic wood, PWP wood posts, Davis wire, ToughStrand fencing, bamboo, and more. 800-653- 2216 Ext 1, ORCHARD REmOvAL PUSH, PiLE, BUrn. Services for orchard and tree removal, also ripping and discing available. Yakima Valley 509-379-1166. PACKING EQUIPmENT USED PacKinG EQUiPMEnT: We specialize in meeting your needs for used cherry, apple, and soft fruit pack- ing and hydro cooling equipment. We custom fabricate as well. Call 206-321- 8378. POrTaBLE HyDrOcOOLEr and small cherry line with sizer and cluster cutter, could be used as Rainier line. 206-321-8378. fOr SaLE: Nest/Stack harvest- ing lugs. Herb Barber & Sons, (800) 388-5384 or (716) 326-4692, e-mail:,www.herb- ROOTSTOCKS TrEcO® rOOTSTOcKS mean quality. Buy from the industry leader. TRECO has supplied 60 percent of the nation's malus rootstock needs to the nurser- ies for more than 70 years. Go directly to the source and buy the root stocks trusted and preferred by the major nurseries: TRECO; PO Box 98, Wood- burn, OR 97071. Ph: 1-800-871-5141; fax: 503-634-2344; e-mail: rootstocks@ or website: carLTOn PLanTS, LLc is a quality grower of virus-certified rootstocks and seedlings for fruit, flowering, and shade trees. Apple: M9-NIC, M26, M7, M25, MM106, MM111, domestic. Cherry: Mazzard, Mahaleb. Pear: cal leryana, communis. Plum: M29C, St. Julian. For questions or to place an order, please call our sales department, 800-398-8733 or fax 800- 442-1452. cOPEnHaVEn farMS nUrSEry. "We're at the Root of The Business." Quality Oregon-grown rootstock and seedlings for fruit, flowering, and shade trees. Specializing in virus-free apple, cherry, plum, and pear rootstock since 1982. Christopher and Marilyn Dolby 503-985-7161; Fax: 503-985-7876. E-mail: copenhavenfarms@comcast. net, firDaLE nUrSEry, certified apple rootstocks: EMLA.7, EMLA.106, EMLA.111, M.9 (337) and BUD 9. Bea- verton, OR. 503-628-2755. cErTifiED VirUS frEE M9-T337/ other rootstock for Spring 2017 deliv- ery. Order now while supply lasts. Call Greg Benner, TreeLogic USA, LLC at 509-833-3486 anytime to reserve your stock! Since 1972. WiLLaMETTE nUrSEriES offers Oregon-grown, virus-certified fruit tree rootstock, including popular M.9 clones and other dwarf and semi- dwarf varieties, and fruit tree seed- lings (apple, cherry, pear & plum.) Excellent quality, reasonably priced. Outstanding service. Visit us at: Wil- lamette Nurseries, 25571 S. Barlow Road, Canby, OR 97013. 800-852-2018, 503-263-6405. E-mail: willamette@ SPRAYERS cOMPLETE LinE of sprayers. Swihart Sales Company, Quinter, KS. 800-864- 4595, STAKES / POSTS / POLES QUaLiTy PayS—Princeton Wood Pre- servers pressure-treated posts, poles. Quoted by truckload. P.O. Box 1269, Penticton, B.C., V0X 1W0 Plant phone: 250-295-7911; toll free, 877-797-7678. E-mail: Web: PanHanDLE fOrEST PrODUcTS: Quality posts, poles, and stakes. CCA pressure-treated, with delivery. Par ti al loads. 888-289-7678; www.pan POSTS, POLES, anD STaKES: Pres- sure treated in the USA. Vari ous sizes and lengths. Untreated available for organic growers. Jasper En ter prises, Inc., P.O. Box 102, Chat taroy, WA 99003; phone 800-238-654, or e-mail sales@ STEEL aPPLE and grape trellis. Custom systems available. Bam- boo, treated wood, top of the line quality and service. Online cata- log. Wilson Vine yard and Orchard Supply, Yakima, W A. 509-453-9983, TrELLiS SUPPLiES. Largest manufac- turer direct selection available: Jim's Supply, Euro posts, organic wood, PWP Wood Posts, Davis Wire, Tough- Strand Fencing, bamboo and more. 800-653-2216 Ext 1, TREE SPREADERS BEST PricinG: notched and nailed. Wilson, 509-453-9983. "V" SPrEaDErS. treeform@sympatico. ca, 519-599-2299, or John DeMartini, 209-484-8502 and ryan@firmanpollen. com (western contacts). TREE TRAINING TrEE TraininG and trellis supplies online at TRELLIS SUPPLIES LarGEST ManUfacTUrEr direct selection available: Planting guide- lines, trellis designs and products and more. Visit to download your free copy! WIND mACHINES cHinOOK WinD MacHinES, sales/ service. All makes, new/used. H.F. Hauff Company, Inc., 509-248-0318. caScaDE WinD MacHinE Service, distributor of Orchard-Rite® wind machines. P.O. Box 9308, Yakima, WA 98909, phone 509-457-9196; Wenat chee, WA 509-662-2753; British Colum bia, 250-495-7245. WinD MacHinE SaLES: sales/ser- vice, new and used wind machines. 509-877-2138. WINE GRAPE PLANTS WinE GraPE PLanTS for sale. Caber- net Sauvignon #8, Syrah Phelps clone. 509-832-2066, Jeff.