An A-Z visitors guide to Milwaukee Wisconsin. Sponsored by Key Magazine Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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MEXICAN FIESTA brings the sounds, culture and tastes of Mexico to Milwaukee's lake- front Henry W. Maier Festival Park (Summerfest grounds) Aug. 26-28. he festival oers enter- tainment, exhibits, contests, shopping, food and other attractions from noon to mid- night all weekend. Musical performances include top acts featuring mariachi, salsa, banda, bach- ata merengue, cumbia and morem while the Rock en Español Stage brings con- temporary sounds. A Mariachi extravaganza features three bands daily. The dance traditions of Mex- ico will be showcased by several dance companies. Tequila tasting and Te- quila VIP Bar, mojitos and a Sangria Bar will be in the Harley-Davidson stage area, while margaritas and a wine bar can be found in the Sports Area. Don't miss the mouth wa - tering Pan de Feria – tradition- al festival bread baked fresh every day by master bakers, hile vendors oer eian and Latin American cuisine. Visit the Cultural Pavilion to see handmade crafts, folk- loric dancers, music and craft workshops. More than 150 ar- tisans from Mexico and other Latin American countries will display their arts and crafts. A 300-year-old tradition is the focus at the Silence Pa- rade celebrating the Festival of the Dead , Friday and Sat- urday at 8pm. Crowds will gather for the fun of Mexican Fiesta's con- tests – Salsarengue contest, dance contest, El Grito con- test with Mariachi, jalape- Mexican Fiesta Be part of the tradition E T H N I C F E S T I V A L S | M E X I C A N F I E S T A A U G U S T 2 6 - 2 8 A T T H E S U M M E R F E S T G R O U N D S 12 FIESTA FOOD & DRINK Food, drink, contests & more. 2 3 1. Tequila tasting at fiesta ars includes mojitos. 2. Vendors offer Meican and atin American favorites 3. Jalapeño Eating Contest 4. Pan de Feria is baked fresh every day. offer Meican and atin 4 1