An A-Z visitors guide to Milwaukee Wisconsin. Sponsored by Key Magazine Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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32 Ten Chimneys in Genesee Depot, 30 minutes southwest of Milwaukee, was the summer home of theater legends Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontanne. "Anyone who was anyone" in theatre, arts and literature visited from the roaring 1920s through the 1940s. Recognized as a National Historic Landmark, the estate remains an important place for artistic creation, discussion and inspiration. Ten himneys is overoin ith memorabilia notes from Laurence Olivier, snapshots of the Lunts with the Queen Mother, mementos from elen ayes and ol oard, insribed first edition books from dna erber and leander oollott, and remembranes from dozens of others. More than just the Lunts' home, Ten Chimneys was a home for the arts. Most of Ten Chimneys' historic furnishings, hand-painted murals, personal décor, and diverse collections are intact and unchanged – original pieces handiked by the unts in the s, s, and s. nd the mai is undiminished. As guests are welcomed through the Lunts' remarkable reation, they are surrised and then moved by ountless details. isitors are led throuh the estate by hihly trained doents. ours are available uesday throuh Saturday, am to m and Sunday, noonm. he season ends Dec. 4. Reservations are highly recommended; hone . emainin seial events for are the ll ess ay on u. ine astin ood airin by uben oreno, former atain and sommelier at he renh aundry and no rorietor of Soil ine, on u. lay readin on t. and irins to illains oneoman sho by famed Shakesearean atress obin oodrin ordli on ov. . From Milwaukee, take I-94 west towards Madison to Hwy 83 south, Hwy. 83 to Genesee Depot. When Hwy. 83 curves left, turn right onto Depot Road and watch for the Ten Chimneys sign on your left. For info, visit en Cimneys offers a ersonal ie of the Golden Age of American theater Alfred Lunt Pours Drink for Lynn Fontanne Poolside Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontanne with Three Friends at the Pool