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growing with growers since 1946 DEPARTMENTS 5 In The Box Managing Editor Jim Black • 509-853-3512 Editor 36 Quick Bites 38 Good Stuff 40 Good To Go 41 Good Deals 45 Advertiser Index 45 Classified 46 Last Bite Friar plum COLUMNS 28 Good To Know Consumers prefer WA 2 Drs. Kate Evans and Carolyn Ross, Washington State University WEB EXTRAS Go to for the latest tree fruit industry news from GOOD FRUIT GROWER staff writers. 8 Peter Truitt Geraldine Warner • 509-665-3330 Associate Editors Melissa Hansen • 509-968-3922 Richard Lehnert • 616-984-6001 30 Advertising Manager Doug Button • 509-853-3514 Advertising Sales Rick Larsen • 509-853-3517 Theresa Currell • 509-853-3516 Production Manager Nancy Jo Born • 509-853-3513 Production Aurora Lee • 509-853-3518 Circulation Steve Call • 509-853-3515 Advisory Board Jeff Colombini, Lindsay Hainstock, Denny Hayden, Steve Hoying, Jim Kelley, Jim McFerson, Ian Merwin, Don Olmstead, Mercy Olmstead, Marvin Owings, Mark Roy, Vicky Scharlau, Mark Tudor, Chris Van Well, Mike Wittenbach 20 Christine Dendy U.S. SUBSCRIPTIONS: $35.00 per year, 3 years $75.00. CANA- DIAN SUBSCRIPTIONS: $55.00 per year (U.S. funds, Canadian G.S.T. included: G.S.T. Registration #135100949). SUBSCRIP- TIONS OUTSIDE U.S.A. & CANADA: $100.00 per year (pay- ment by credit card only). WASHINGTON STATE GROWER SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $2.00 per year to deciduous tree fruit growers in the state of Washington who pay assessments on com- mercially shipped fruit, either to the Washington State Fruit Commission or to the Washington Apple Commission. Back issues are not available. Single copies of current issues are $5.00. To subscribe, call 1-800-487-9946. Good Fruit Grower (ISSN 0046-6174) is published semi-monthly January through May, and monthly June through December, by the Washington State Fruit Commission, 105 South 18th Street, Suite 205, Yakima, WA 98901-2149. Periodical postage paid at Yakima, WA, and additional offices. Publications Mail Agreement No. 1795279. The publication of any advertisement is not to be construed as an endorsement by the Washington State Fruit Commission or Good Fruit Grower magazine of the product or service offered, unless it is specifically stated in the advertisement that there is such approval or endorsement. "Summerwhite Peach" watercolor by samaNtha root, erie, peNNsylvaNia POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Good Fruit Grower, 105 South 18th Street, Suite 217, Yakima, WA 98901-2177. © 2012 by Good Fruit Grower Printed in U.S.A. 105 S. 18th St., #217, Yakima, WA 98901 509⁄ 853-3520, 1-800-487-9946, Fax 509⁄853-3521 E-mail: 26 Jim Bittner ©2012 No reproductioN or display without writteN permissioN. 4 JULY 2012 GOOD FRUIT GROWER SUMMER FRUITS