An A-Z visitors guide to Milwaukee Wisconsin. Sponsored by Key Magazine Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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he festival celebrates its 30th anniversary in 2016. For this special year, the festival welcomes back Brule and fireorks on Saturda nit. (Brule is known forthrilling audiences with a merging of cultural rock, traditional danc - ers in full regalia andtheatrical instrumentations.) Favorites returning this year include: • Contest Pow Wow running all weekend long • Lacrosse demos and work- shops • Nationally known per- formers contemporary and traditional • Traditional areas showcas- ing native crafts people • Food demos featuring tra- ditional ingredients • mateur oin Olym- pic-style • 12th Annual Indian Sum- mer Music Awards • Circle of Art featuring Na- tive artists • Marketplace with Native American inspired goods • Vendors offering frybread, Indian tacos, bison burgers and wild rice • Festival hours Friday: Education Day 9am- 2:30pm; General Public 4pm-midnight Saturday: Noon-midnight Sunday: 11am-8pm Indian Summer Festival Welcomes All F E S T I V A L S | I N D I A N S U M M E R F E S T I V A L S E P T E M B E R 9 - 1 1 A T T H E S U M M E R F E S T G R O U N D S T I C K E T S A R E $ 1 5 F O R A D U L T S , $ 1 2 F O R E L D E R S 6 0 + C H I L D R E N 1 2 & U N D E R A R E F R E E . F O R M O R E I N F O R M A T I O N V I S I T I N D I A N S U M M E R . O R G 10 Highlights The Contest Pow Wow Unforgettable sights and sounds as dancers of all ages compete. Festival goers are encouraged to participate in "intertribals" where all are invited to join in. Traditional foods include frybread, Indian tacos, bison burgers, freshwater fish, wild rice, hulled corn and berry desserts. Sports The schedule includes contemporary lacrosse matches and a traditional (no pads) honor game. Demos focus on fun, interactive activities. Another sports highlight is Olympic-style amateur boxing. Photos by Michele Kieweg T