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The Ozaukee Interurban Trail
is a 30-mile paved trail that
spans the length of Ozau
kee County and is designed
for biking, in-line skating,
walking and running.
The trail route connects
historic downtowns with
natural landscapes.
The route is based on
the Interurban railway that
linked Milwaukee and sur
rounding communities from
1905 to 1951.
On the south end, the
trail ends at the start of the
Brown Deer Recreational
Trail where riders can tap into
the Oak Leaf Trail.
The trail features 118 miles
of multiple loops through
all the major parkways and
parks in the system. Loops
are composed of off-road
paved trails, park drives, and
municipal streets where nec
essary to ensure continuity.
A great starting point is at
the Milwaukee Art Museum,
then traveling either north or
south on the trail from there.
The Hank Aaron State Trail
provides a key link through
the heart of Milwaukee
County, including the Meno-
monee Valley and Third
Starting at Lakeshore
State Park along Lake
Michigan, it eventually will
connect to the Milwaukee/
Waukesha county line.
Interurban Trail
Oak Leaf Trail
Hank Aaron Trail
Enjoy the
on the Ozaukee Interurban Trail,
Oak Leaf Trail & Hank Aaron Trail