City Trees

January/February 2017

City Trees is a premier publication focused on urban + community forestry. In each issue, you’ll learn how to best manage the trees in your community and more!

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Nothing can prevent catastrophic weather events, but you can be prepared. Before the storm, Asplundh can help you manage the unexpected with our pre-planning services and ready-to-respond storm agreements. When the storm hits, Asplundh's unparalleled resources are at your fingertips. From one crew to hundreds, you can count on our specially-trained staff and fleet of standard and specialized equipment to safely and efficiently help you restore services. Asplundh's innovative Automated Vehicle Management System and Truck-as-a-Hub technology give you real-time connectivity to our crews, allowing for more efficient response coordination. Mother Nature's worst – Asplundh is ready. FOR NATURE'S WORST T H E B E S T R E S O U R C E S P R E P A R E D ASPLUNDH.COM • 1-800-248-TREE

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