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6 JANUARY 15, 2017 Good Fruit Grower Bill Evans: 1928-2016 B ill Evans, co-founder and president of Evans Fruit Co., died Dec. 6. He was 87. Evans, with his wife, Jeannette, started with a 10-acre apple orchard on Naches Heights, near Yakima, Washington, in 1949. In 1959, the company built its first packing facility for its then 60-acre operation. Today, Evans Fruit farms more than 9,000 acres, most of it in apples, including what the company bills as the two largest apple orchards in Washington state, and operates several packing houses. Fred Valentine: 1935-2016 F red Valentine, a longtime field horticulturist and for- mer president of the Washington State Horticultural Association, died Dec. 4. He was 81. He worked as a field horticulturist for Blue Star Growers for more than 30 years and filled roles at several major companies in the fruit industry in the years after he left, including Wells and Wade, Stemilt Growers Inc. and Van Well Nursery. He retired from Van Well in 2014. He also served as president of the Washington State Horticultural Association for several years, beginning in 1989, seeing the apple industry through the Alar scare. Valentine served as chairman of the Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission in 1991 and on the Fresh Pear Committee's research subcommittee from 1990 to 2000. He also served 20 years as a pear industry representative on the board of Tree Top, the fruit pro- cessing cooperative. The Washington State Horticultural Association awarded him the Silver Pear Award in 1984 and the Silver Apple Award in 1995. Quick Bites People and industry in the news. Read more Fresh Updates at COURTESY EVANS FRUIT GOOD FRUIT GROWER Post Harvest Ozone Solutions Based On Science & Engineering University & Industry Proven Ozone Solutions for: • Storage Room Sanitation • CA Storage Gaseous Fruit Treatment • Packing Line Aqueous Fruit Treatment • Facility & Environmental Sanitation • Out Performs PAA, Chlorine and Chlorine Dioxide CALL THE SIMPLOT LOCATION NEAREST YOU Moxee 509-248-5756 Prosser 509-973-2300 Quincy 509-787-1571 Royal City 509-346-2223 Sunnyside 509-837-6261 Helping tree fruit growers improve quality and profi tability through sound, science-based agronomic advice with the most innovative and cost-effective products available.