Truck Parts and Service

January 2017

Truck Parts and Service | Heavy Duty Trucking, Aftermarket, Service Info

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N o matter the industry, generally each busi- ness owner has a long-term goal in mind. Distributor and service providers' long- term goals could be something far-reaching they hope to accomplish for their business, whether that's related to how many storefronts they open, how many service shops they operate or how much capital they hope to earn. There are many separate and distinct ways of reaching a fi nal goal, and planning carefully is an important part of that process. In developing plans to reach ultimate goals, it can be useful to separate planning into phases. This allows for a business to track immediate improve- ments while evaluating progress toward eventual goals and targets. The different time frames of the planning process place the focus on time-sensitive aspects of the com- pany's structure and environment. Dave Settles, president of Weldon Parts, says his company talks about its plans for the next several years before business planning each year. "We talk about the things that we want to accom- plish three, four or fi ve years down the road, but we only sit down and put on paper what we are looking at for that year," Settles says. 13 Cover Story W W W . T R U C K P A R T S A N D S E R V I C E . C O M J a n u a r y 2 0 1 7 | T R U C K P A R T S & S E R V I C E big How a good business plan can help you build for the long term while planning for the short term

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