Good Fruit Grower

November 2012

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Wenatchee Valley College instuctors Francisco Sarmiento, left, and Leo Garcia, right, are joined by past viticulture program graduate Joaquin Alvarez. Classes for Hispanics by Geraldine Warner & Melissa Hansen enatchee Valley College will offer two employee educational programs for the 2012-2013 academic year—level one of its Hispanic Orchard Employee Education Program and level one of a similar viticul- ture program. The orchard program will be taught at the Wenatchee campus and at the Grandview campus of the Yakima Valley Community College; the viticulture course will be at the Grandview campus only. Both programs share a similar format, running from November 7 to March 20 for the Wenatchee-based class and from November 9 to March 22 for the Grandview classes. This introductory level of the horticulture program introduces students to the principles and practices of fruit production in Washington. Topics include canopy management, site selection and orchard establishment, soils, plant nutrition, irrigation scheduling, crop management, pest control, equipment calibration, human resources management, harvest, orchard/ vineyard economics, and food safety. The curriculum for the level-one viticulture class includes the history of viticulture in Washington, plant physiology, vineyard establishment, soils, plant nutri- tion, irrigation, human resources management, vine- yard economics, harvest, and canopy management. Students of the viticulture program give a presentation at the end of the course, with employers invited to attend. Both the horticulture and viticulture programs also cover English terminology, basic math, computer appli- cations, and civics, and prepare students for other HOEEP classes focusing on advanced horticulture, integrated pest management, and farm management. Classes at Wenatchee run each Wednesday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Grandview horticulture and viticul- ture classes will meet concurrently each Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Both programs include at least two field trips and attendance at the Washington State Horticul- tural Association's annual meeting or the Washington Association of Wine Grape Growers' annual meeting for the viticulture class members. Students earn 8 to 10 pesticide license recertification credits. The college waives tuition for the students, but employers or students are responsible for paying spe- cial fees. The orchard program fees are about $180. Fees for the viticulture program are $250, covering the costs of field trips, books, and other related expenses. Space in the classes is limited and students are admitted on a first-come, first-served basis. Wenatchee Valley College established the HOEEP program 19 years ago. Since then, 1,250 students have graduated from the program. For information or to register, contact Leo García at (509) 860-2267, e-mail lgarcí, or Francisco Sarmiento at (509) 860-2283, e-mail fsarmiento • GOOD FRUIT GROWER NOVEMBER 2012 11

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