City Trees

November/December 2012

City Trees is a premier publication focused on urban + community forestry. In each issue, you’ll learn how to best manage the trees in your community and more!

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Registration Now Open! The 2013 Municipal Forestry Institute (MFI) February 17-23, 2013 At the Beautiful Arbor Day Farm, Lied Lodge & Conference Center Nebraska City, Nebraska • All-inclusive Registration: $1999 – CEUs Available • To apply for MFI 2013, visit • Deadline is November 30, 2012 or when full What past participants have to say about MFI "MFI delivers on its promise to mold leaders in urban forestry." - John McNeil, Oakville, ON, Canada "The MFI experience was truly a significant learning opportunity which has been transformational for me personally and career-wise." - Dena Kirtley, Sacramento, CA, USA "The greatest benefits of MFI come not from what you learn during the week, but from how you apply what you've learned to everyday following. For me, MFI was about forging new relationships, setting better goals, and seeing things differently." - Ben Thompson, Olympia, WA, USA "Find a way to be a part of this educational experience! It is the most practical (and fun) training I have had as an urban forester." - C. David Grant, Monroe, NC, USA

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