
December 2012

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celebrations Amanda Witte and Dustin Kovacs After dating for eight years, Amanda Witte and Dustin Kovacs filled a cold Cayla Schneider and Eion Hess When it comes to the wedding of Cayla Schneider and Eion Hess it was the classic moments they cherished the most. For Eion, seeing Cayla walk down the aisle was the moment he'll always remember, while Cayla says the final dance was her favorite part of the night. The pair wed surrounded by friends and family on Aug. 11 at the Sheraton Hotel. Cayla is the daughter of Sue Schneider and Todd Schneider and Sue Grady. Eion is the son of Janet and Tim Hess. The couple lives in Johnson Creek. Photographed by Chasing Lilies Photography February evening with warm memories when they became engaged. As they planned their big day, the couple took inspiration from Amanda's retro dress to infuse their spring wedding with a vintage vibe. The pair tied the knot on May 5 at Gates of Heaven with a reception at Lake Windsor Golf Club. Amanda is the daughter of Kit and Mark Witte. Dustin is the son of Susan and Kevin Kovacs. The pair resides in Madison. Photographed by Paul Toepfer Photography Leah Pieper and Brian Huibregtse Madison not only served as the locale for Leah Pieper and Brian Huibregtse's Karla Hansmeier and Jeffery Schechtman To make his proposal unforgettable, Jeffery Schechtman skipped the tradition- 78 al ring box and instead presented an entire handmade jewelry box to girlfriend Karla Hansmeier. After opening each drawer of the box, she got to the bottom drawer and found a ring. The couple wed Sept. 29 at St. Martin's Lutheran Church in Cross Plains with a simple and classically styled ceremony. Karla is the daughter of Dan Hansmeier and Gail and Tom Johnson. Jeffery is the son of Julie and Thomas Schechtman. The pair resides in Des Moines. Photographed by Ebley Photography BRAVA Magazine December 2012 wedding, it also set the tone for their locally themed nuptials. From a proposal on the steps of the State Capitol to the wedding day goodie bags including Capital Brewery beer, Baraboo candy cow pies, and cheese popcorn, the couple's wedding was quintessential Madison from beginning to end. The pair tied the knot on July 27 at the Monona Terrace. Leah is the daughter of Donna and Scott Pieper. Brian is the son Kathryn and Gregory Huibregtse. The couple lives in Waunakee. Photographed by Ueda Photography. Announce your marriage or union by e-mailing

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