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FOL LO W Improved Government BY NICK O'DAY, CHRIS WHATLEY AND ISSAC STANDARD EY K PS TI FOR BUILDING COLLABORATIVE GIS G IS data collection, maintenance and quality control are the most time-consuming tasks GIS staff undertake. They're essential for map accuracy, but can be an utterly mind-numbing activity. But how can the need for high-quality GIS data be balanced with the need to deliver to internal and external customers? The answer is collaboration. This realization led to founding the Fulton GIS Collaboration Group (FGCG) in January 2010. The group is comprised of GIS professionals and "power users" from cities, county governments, school systems, the Atlanta Hartsfield International Airport, and the state Department of Transportation based in 14 G E O W O R L D / N O V E M B E R 2 O 1 2 Fulton County, Ga. All municipalities and government agencies participate voluntarily and work together to solve common issues within Fulton County, lending assistance where necessary. To foster this effort, members of FGCG work together to find solutions that streamline GIS operations, improve data quality and enrich staff. This is accomplished by focusing members' efforts on GIS issues rather than larger political interests. Following are the key experiences of this group, which may serve as tips and tricks to create a successful, volunteer-based, collaborative GIS group among municipalities and/or government agencies. Government Special Issue