Good Fruit Grower

March 15

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AXXE Herbicide for Organic Weed Control. AXXE Broad Spectrum Herbicide is a non-selective burndown herbicide for use on a wide range of weed species. AXXE's OMRI listing makes it one of the few non-selective organic herbicides available. ® BROAD SPECTRUM HERBICIDE Founded on a 'Field to Fork' approach and dedicated to environmental stewardship, BioSafe Systems provides chemistries for all facets of the agricultural production process. Proud to be American Made. Call 1.888.273.3088 or visit to learn more. LLC Simply Sustainable. Always Effective. ©2013 Copyright BioSafe Systems LLC. AXXE® is a registered trademark of BioSafe Systems, LLC. Always read and follow label directions. 2.13 GOOD FRUIT GROWER March 15, 2013 15

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