Good Fruit Grower

April 15

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photo by elizabeth beers, wsu photo by helmut riedl, wsu The parasitic wasp Aphelinus mali attacks woolly apple aphids and leaves black, swollen aphid mummies behind. Above left: Adult A. mali are affected by most of the tested reduced-risk pesticides. how fast it can recolonize an orchard after treatments, how long a pesticide's residue affects the natural enemy, and how often and exactly when in the season the pesticide is applied. Some of these factors are the focus of current research projects. Future research Through this research, we realized that we are just scratching the surface in understanding how pesticides affect natural enemies. Future work will produce additional information to develop a more precise and dynamic disruptive index for each pesticide and natural enemy. With natural enemy models (see "Use of natural enemy models is a new tool for IPM" in the March 1 issue of Good Fruit Grower), we will soon be able to predict when susceptible stages are present in orchards and thus when to use low-risk pesticides. New monitoring tools that we have developed (see "Natural enemy inventory" in the February 15 issue) will reveal which natural enemies are present and when, and what impact management practices have on their populations. Although we have already drawn some meaningful conclusions from our research, understanding the complete picture will take more time. All information we have available will be integrated as recommendations, databases, guides, videos and more on our project Web site (, in the WSU Crop Protection Guide, and on the WSU Decision Aid System. To find out more about pesticide effects, visit our Web site,, and look for more project information in the next two issues. • This is the sixth article in an eight-part series highlighting results of a five-year Specialty Crop Research Initiative project to enhance biological control of orchard pests. The project involves researchers from Washington State University, Oregon State University, University of California Berkeley, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Yakima, Washington. GOOD FRUIT GROWER April 15, 2013 9

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