Good Fruit Grower

April 15

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CLASSIFIED classified advertising is effective and economical BIRD CONTROL WILSON IS THE LEADER in custom bird netting programs for all types of crops. Full line of bangers and bird irritant items. Call 509-453-9983. 60493 NATURAL CONTROL. The American Kestrel Falcon will give you LOW COST bird control. Call Ben at Orchard Guard: 509-910-6598, www.orchard 60663 ORCHARD MANAGEMENT-seeking experienced orchard foreman/manager in upper Yakima Valley. Must have Spanish & English speaking skills. 509952-8137 to arrange interview. 60611 EQUIPMENT FOR SALE FIND EQUIPMENT for your farming operation at Wilson's. www.farmit again .com. Used equipment, buy/sell. EQUIPMENT REPAIR ALUMINUM ORCHARD LADDER repair: We repair all brands of aluminum ladders. Tallman factory authorized. Call for drop off locations or pick-up. 509-884-1750 or 509-669-2822. 60498 EXPANDING QUINCY Orchard operation offers an excellent opportunity for a management oriented individual with a heavy emphasis to horticulture. The right candidate will be a team player bringing experience and new ideas to the organization. Position will have the opportunity to be active in industry horticultural groups, interact with the owners and with the general manager. Please send resume with cover letter to: HR Department, PO Box 950, Quincy, WA 98848. 60643 CLASSIFIED ADS are $1.25 per word per insertion. Ads up to ten words are charged a minimum of $12.00. The first one to four words are set in boldface capital letters. Include name, address, and phone number in figuring the cost. Count hyphenated words as two words. Count each initial, abbreviation, symbol, whole number, as one word. State and zip code count as two words. BLIND BOX SERVICE is available for additional $10.00 per issue (plus word count). Replies forwarded daily, postage paid. 60602 ORCHARD FOR SALE BLUEBERRY NURSERY STOCK. Our focus is customer success. Best variety selection. Plants available now. Impeccable service and grower support. Fall Creek Nursery, www.fallcreeknursery .com, 800-538-3001. 60495 AGRICULTURAL SALES/general management. Due to exciting continued growth and an evolving business plan, the Northeastern Juice Cooperative, Inc. is expanding its management team and is seeking a general manager. This individual will be responsible for all management aspects of the cooperative including sales, apple acquisition, grower relations, and all administrative and financial functions, while ensuring compliance with NY State Cooperative and Corporation Laws. The Northeastern Juice Cooperative is a cooperative of over 125 growers in New York that sell raw apples for processing and juice production. Other services include custom bulk juice deliveries, transportation and storage coordination. This position will oversee an experienced account manager, and an administrative position. This is a part time position with the majority of its time spent during August through January but does have tasks to be completed all 12 months of the year. This position has the opportunity for growth and advancement which is entirely up to the successful individual to take it as far as they can. Compensation will include a salary and incentive based on volume and value received for products, and objectives met. Interested candidates are encouraged to send a resume and letter of interest to: pfbdcb@ix.netcom .com 60642 STURDY METAL BUNK beds and mattresses for H2-A farm worker housing. Two week lead time from order to delivery. Free on-site delivery with larger orders. Call Crown Furniture, Wenatchee, WA, 509-663-4814 or 509670-4011; fax 509-663-6326; or e-mail today for a quote. 60500 BLUEBERRY PLANTS EMPLOYMENT AVAILABLE GROWER HOUSING SUPPLIES FROST PROTECTION FROST OR FREEZE protection got you down? Warm up with AgHeat's propane heaters to protect your crops. Call or e-mail,, 541-400-4875. 60504 FRUIT TREES STAN PETERSON FRUIT Tree Sales, representing the nation's premier fruit tree nurseries to serve you, the grower, with the best. Call 888-333-1464, or email, for the newest apple varieties, sweet and tart 60502 cherries, peaches and more. 20 ACRES CHERRIES, 25 acres apples, 85 total acres. Shop. Royal Slope, WA area. $875,000. Serious inquiries only. 509- 760-5484.. 58596 TRIDENT AGRICULTURAL Products, Inc., specializing in soil fumigation for orchards, vineyards, hops, berries, nurseries, and other crops. Hood River or The Dalles, 971-563-8848; Yakima and Wenatchee, 509-728-2004; Okanogan Valley and Columbia Basin, 509731-5424; Northwest Washington, 360-630-4285. 60531 CUSTOM ORCHARD fumigation Replanting? No job too small. Call now to schedule your 2012 applications. 509687-9572 Serving all of Washington. Visit us at CustomOrchardFumigation .com 60533 GRAFTING SALVADOR ZARAGOSA professional grafting, chip budding, and budding bench grafting. We guarantee 95% take. Mobile, 509-961-2986. 60349 PROFESSIONAL GRAFTING and service. Small and large acreage. 20 years' experience. Jose Mendez, 509-5840034 or (mobile) 509-949-1321. 60506 COATES GRAFTING COMPANY, specializing in top working cherries. Over 35 years experience. Ken Coates, 509662-1882; 509-668-0262 (mobile). 60510 GRAFTING AND BUDDING supplies. Two types graft machines, waxes, budding rubbers. Top of the line grafting knives, online, 509-453-9983. 60605 FULL SERVICE FIELD grafting including chainsawing. Over 25 years' experience, with practically same crew for over 15 years. Gary McMonagle Grafting. 509-669-1686. 60512 ZAMORA'S GRAFTING. Many central Washington growers satisfied with our unsurpassed results. Over 30 years' experience. Contact Ramiro Zamora at 509-689-6932 or 509-733-2754. Now filling applications for bench grafting.59770 ARGO GRAFTING, accepting bench and field grafting reservations for 2013. Call Mike Argo, go for quality. 509-9526593. 60508 60657 ROOTSTOCKS TRECO® ROOTSTOCKS mean quality. Buy from the industry leader. TRECO has supplied 60 percent of the nation's malus rootstock needs to the nurseries for more than 70 years. Go directly to the source and buy the rootstocks trusted and preferred by the major nurseries: TRECO; PO Box 98, Woodburn, OR 97071. Ph: 1-800-871-5141; fax: 503-634-2344; e-mail: rootstocks@ or Web site: 60529 ORCHARD LEASE WANTED LEASING FARMS? Dedicated and experienced farmer interested in leasing apple, cherry and pear farms in eastern Washington. Call 509-4802196. 59351 ORCHARD SUPPLIES WILSON IS YOUR SOURCE for all types of fabric and plastics used in farming. Shade, wind screens, greenhouse films, and mulches. 509-453-9983. 60518 WILSON'S HIGH Spanish style greenhouse tunnels. Early and increased production and crop protection. 800-232-1174. 50516 FUMIGATION PENWALT 6-LANE, 18-drop color sort and weight sizer. 14 tray lane dropouts. Used in 2012. 970-464-5656. LANDSCAPE FABRIC, trellising, hoop houses, full line of pruning and tying supplies. 800-653-2216, Ext 1. www. 60664 TRELLIS SUPPLIES, largest manufacturer direct selection available: Jim's Supply, Euro posts, organic wood, PWP Wood Posts, Davis Wire, ToughStrand Fencing, bamboo and more. 800-6532216, Ext 1, 60665 PACKING EQUIPMENT 8-LANE CHERRY sizer with elevator Munckhof built 3-layer parallel roller sizer, capable of 4 sizes/ 3-ton per hour elevator, tank, deep water transfer drop, stainless construction, complete in great condition. Call Cody 406-2495960. 60666 PORTABLE HYDROCOOLER and cherry sorting tables, portable Rainier line, portable Rainier line, and portable cherry sorting belt. 206-321-8378. 60520 USED PACKING EQUIPMENT: We specialize in meeting your needs for used cherry, apple and soft fruit packing and hydro cooling equipment. We custom fabricate as well. Call 206-321-8378. 60522 USED CHERRY PACKING equipment for sale: 2- 10 lane Red Pearl sizers with color sorting and defect sorting , comes with starters and controls. Packing House services manufactured 2007. 1-12 lane roll sizer with 84 inch length rolls and digital gap readers, Van Doren manufactured. 1-12 lane roll sizer with 54 inch long rolls and digital gap readers, Van Doren manufactured. 1- 12 lane roll sizer with 84 inch long rolls and digital gap readers, Boyd and Boyd manufactured. 1- Van Doren automatic box filler, left hand machine. 16- Central Weigh "L" pack bag/clam machines. 1- 4 conveyor elevator tank with conveyors. 1- Boyd and Boyd hydraulic cherry bin dumper. 1Boyd and Boyd dumper elevator. 1Boyd and Boyd Cluster cutter. Various Cherry conveyors and dewatering conveyors of various lengths and widths. Call us with your requests as we have a lot of used equipment on cherries and apples, pictures are available upon request. Contact Dale Davis at 1-50960670 733-0026. CARLTON PLANTS, LLC is a quality grower of virus-certified rootstocks and seedlings for fruit, flowering, and shade trees. Apple: M9-NIC, M26, M7, M25, MM106, MM111, domestic. Cherry: Mazzard, Mahaleb. Pear: calleryana, communis. Plum: M29C, St. Julian. For questions or to place an order, please call our sales department, 800-398-8733 or fax 800-442-1452. 59519 COPENHAVEN FARMS NURSERY. "We're at the Root of The Business." Quality Oregon-grown rootstock and seedlings for fruit, flowering, and shade trees. Specializing in virus-free apple, cherry, plum, and pear rootstock since 1982. Christopher and Marilyn Dolby 503-985-7161; Fax: 503-985-7876. Email: copenhavenfarms, www.copenhavenfarms. com. 60527 FIRDALE NURSERY, certified apple rootstocks: EMLA 7, EMLA 106, EMLA 111, M 9 (337) and BUD 9. Beaverton, OR. 503-628-2755. 60667 WILLAMETTE NURSERIES offers Oregon-grown, virus-certified fruit tree rootstock, including popular M.9 clones and fruit tree seedlings (apple, cherry, pear and plum.) Excellent quality, reasonably priced. Outstanding service. Visit our updated website, including availabilities, at: www. Willamette Nurseries, 25571 S. Barlow Rd., Canby, OR 97013. 800-852-2018, 503-2636405. E-mail: 60631 TRELLIS SUPPLIES, largest manufacturer direct selection available: Jim's Supply, Euro posts, organic wood, PWP Wood Posts, Davis Wire, ToughStrand Fencing, bamboo and more. 800-6532216, Ext 1, 60398 TREE SPREADERS BEST PRICING: notched and nailed. Wilson, 509-453-9983. 60543 TREEFORM: PRODUCER of the "V" spreader and our new "U" spreader for training your more tender varieties of fruit trees Western Connection: 209484-8502, Eastern Connection: 519599-2299. Treeform Products. treeform 59681 FOR SALE: Used tree spreaders. 50960669 845-4389. TREE TRAINING TREE TRAINING and trellis supplies online at 60545 WIND MACHINES CHINOOK WIND MACHINES, sales/ service. All makes, new/used. H.F. Hauff Company, Inc., 509-248-0318. 60549 CASCADE WIND MACHINE Service, distributor of Orchard-Rite® wind machines. PO Box 9308; Yakima, WA 98909, phone 509-457-9196; Wenatchee, WA 509-662-2753; British Columbia, 250-495-7245. 60547 WIND MACHINE SALES: sales/service, new and used wind machines. 50960551 877-2138. GFG BOOKSHELF FREE subscription* SPRAYERS *Washington State COMPLETE LINE of mist sprayers. Swihart Sales Company, Quinter, KS. 800-864-4595, Commercial growers, 60042 STAKES / POSTS / POLES QUALITY PAYS—PRINCETON Wood Preservers pressure-treated posts, poles. Quoted by truckload. #10-477 Martin St., Penticton, B.C. V2A 5L2. Plant phone: 250-492-9190, fax: 250492- 175, toll free, 877-797-7678. E-mail:; Web: www. 60538 POSTS, POLES, AND STAKES: Pressure treated in the USA. Various sizes and lengths. Untreated available for organic growers. Jasper Enterprises, Inc.; PO Box 102; Chattaroy, WA 99003; phone 800-238-6540; or e-mail sales@ 60540 STEEL APPLE and grape trellis. Custom systems available. Bamboo, treated wood, top of the line quality and service. Online catalog. Wilson Vineyard and Orchard Supply, Yakima, WA. 509-453-9983, www.wilsonirr .com. 60536 PANHANDLE FOREST PRODUCTS: Quality posts, poles, and stakes. CCA pressure-treated, with delivery. Partial loads. 888-289-7678; www.panhandle .com. 59942 packers, shippers, and their members/employees are eligible to receive Good Fruit Grower Subscribe today! ORDER FROM: Good Fruit Grower 105 S. 18th St., Suite 217, Yakima, WA 98901-2177, or call toll-free: 800-487-9946 ON-LINE ORDERING: GOOD FRUIT GROWER APRIL 15, 2013 45

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