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COntriButOrs JennY fiOre | "Muse," p. 32 Jenny fiore lives in fitchburg with her husband and two children. she is a 2007 pushcart prize special mention honoree for creative nonfiction, and the author of "after birth: unconventional writings from the mommylands." fiore has also written and produced stories for public radio and was publications director of the national endowment for Democracy. alisOn MCdOle | "Muse," p. 32 illustratiOn currently working as an elementary art teacher, alison mcDole graduated from uw-madison with a bachelor's in fine art and a master's in art education. while in graduate school, mcDole found a love for children's book art and created her first illustrations for children. she lives in stoughton with her husband zach. eMilY leas | "thrive," p. 19 a freelance writer and frequent brava contributor in her spare time, leas enjoys writing and running as escapes from her hectic eight to five work life. she loves the health and wellness tips she gained by penning "thrive" this month. kristine hansen | "the rural life, " p. 58 a milwaukee-based freelance writer (and former madisonian), Kristine Hansen gets her kicks exploring organic-farming lifestyles. Hansen is a contributor for numerous magazines—including time, milwaukee magazine and wine enthusiast—and has volunteered at three organic farms. anne MOrrissY | "lean in. lean Out." p. 42 splitting her time between chicago and williams bay, wis., anne morrissy works as a writer, editor and blogger. she is the social media manager for the apostal group at coldwell banker, and her work has appeared in at the lake, she magazine, and today's chicago woman, among others. 10 brava magazine | september 2013 the ultiMate spa salOn and i Capelli salOn | staff phOtOs and "fall gets edgY," p. 50 a special thanks to brenna ellis, casey schwanz, emily conkey, Karleigh Krenz, megan geier and pada lee of the ultimate spa salon and Darrell shafer of i capelli salon for indulging the brava staff with hair and makeup. an additional special thanks to brenna ellis and casey schwanz of the ultimate spa salon for their hair and makeup expertise on this month's fashion shoot. leigh Mills | "CatalYst," p. 80 leigh mills is the evening anchor at nbc 15, where she is celebrating 10 years this fall. in addition to being honored with many local awards, mills is a national edward r. murrow award and emmy award winner. she serves on the Domestic abuse intervention services board of trustees and the madison ballet board of directors. taMira Madsen | "raising ChaMpiOns," p. 62 tamira madsen is an award-winning journalist who has written for the capital times, wisconsin state Journal, milwaukee Journal sentinel and she's covered several national sporting events, including the rose bowl, ncaa basketball tournament and nascar sprint cup series races. sarah and kevin hansen | "the rural life," p. 56, and "linger," p. 96 a husband and wife team, sarah and Kevin Hansen are award-winning corporate and lifestyle photographers with a studio in chicago's andersonville neighborhood. their photography has been internationally commissioned and exhibited. tOdd Maughan | COver, "fall gets edgY," p. 50 and staff phOtOs a freelance commercial and editorial photographer based in madison, todd maughan has worked in the field as a photojournalist, in the studio shooting portraits and textiles, and on-location capturing buildings and landscapes. "my camera is my passport to places anD people tHat i woulDn't be able to eXperience witHout it." — toDD maugHan ■ ■ Other COntriButOrs writers | Dr. laura Houser, laura Kearney, Karin wolf phOtOgraphers | laura Houlihan, bobbi petersen, shanna wolf designers | Kate pahl, Jinger schroeder illustratOrs | emily balsley