City Trees

March/April 2014

City Trees is a premier publication focused on urban + community forestry. In each issue, you’ll learn how to best manage the trees in your community and more!

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Page 23 of 39

A Great City Deserves a Great Street /NE OF THE MAJOR GOALS OF THE "OWLING 'REEN 4REE #OMMISSION "'4# IS TO EDUCATE THE PUBLIC ABOUT URBAN FORESTRY AND ARBORICULTURE 4HE "'4# WANTED TO HAVE A FIELD SITE WHERE THE PUBLIC COULD LEARN ABOUT STREET TREES SUITABLE FOR PLANTING IN "OWLING 'REEN AND THROUGHOUT NORTHWEST /HIO A Great City Deserves a Great Street T 4UPSZBOEQIPUPTCZ%BWJE4#JFOFNBOO.VOJDJQBM"SCPSJTU$JUZPG#PXMJOH(SFFO0IJP À}Ì®Ê/iÊ Ü}ÊÀiiÊ/ÀiiÊÃÌÊÜ>ÃÊÌiÊvÀÃÌÊ«ÃÌiÀÊÌÊ}ÊÕ«ÊÊ ÌiÊiÜÊðÊÌÊi`ÕV>ÌiÃÊVÌÞÊÀiÃ`iÌÃ]ÊÜÊV>ÊÃV>Ê+,ÊV`iÃÊ vÀÊÀiÊvÀ>Ì]Ê>LÕÌÊÌiÊÃÌÀiiÌÊÌÀiiÃÊÊÌiÀÊi}LÀ`ð BOWLING GR Small Trees (20'-25') on green background • Medium Trees Red Buckeye Washington Hawthorn Thundercloud Plum Wireless Zelkova Metro Gold Hedge Maple Accolade Cherry Amur Maackia Ace of Hearts Redbud Dura Heat River Birch Pacific Sunset Maple R Royal Burgundy Cherry Sweetbay Magnolia Eastern Redbud Ohio Buckeye Queen Elizabeth Hedge Maple Yoshino Cherry David Maple Forestry Pansy Redbud Golden Catalpa Three Flower Maple Adirondak Crab Apple Flame Maple Hearts of Gold Redbud Eye Stopper Cork Tree Whiteshield Osage Orange Ke Pagoda Dogwood Paperbark Maple White Redbud His Majesty Cork Tree Aristocrat Pear Camperdown Elm Pattern Perfect Tartanian Maple Autumn Brillance Serviceberry Emerald Sunshine Elm Silver Cloud Redbud Gree Bejing Gold Lilac Rocky Mountain Glow Maple Princess Diana Serviceberry Frontier Elm Emerald Pointe Rubber Shaw Ivory Silk Japanese Lilac Jack Pear Tree Rainbow Pillar Serviceberry Wild Fire Black Gum Prairie Cascade Willow C Yellowwood American Hornbeam Winter King Hawthorn Newport Plum Thornless Cock Spur Hawthorn /iÊvÃi`ÊÃÊ>ÃÊ«ÃÌiÀÃÊÊLÌÊÃ`ið !S MUNICIPAL ARBORIST ) WAS ASKED TO MAKE A REQUEST THROUGH THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AND #ITY ADMINISTRA TION TO CREATE AN EDUCATIONAL KIOSK ON A GREEN SPACE ADJACENT TO THE #ITYS 0EARL 2OAD &IRE 3TATION 4HE CITY ADMINISTRATOR FIRE CHIEF PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AND ) MET IN THE SPRING OF TO DISCUSS BUILDING THE KIOSK ON THE SITE AND TO DESIGNATE THREE VISITOR PARK ING SPACES )N *UNE CONSTRUCTION OF THE KIOSK BEGAN AND WAS COMPLETED IN /CTOBER THE SAME YEAR 4HE KIOSK WHICH INCLUDES AN OAK CABINET FOR THE POSTERS COST FUNDING FOR THE PROJECT CAME FROM THE ARBORIST GENERAL FUND BUDGET ÌÞÊ/ÀiiÃ

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