
May 2011

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Networking First Business Bank has promoted Beth Korth (pictured) to director of treasury management services. Korth will lead the treasury management services for the First Bank family of companies and manage commercial banking relationships for First Business Bank-Madison. Axley Brynelson, a Madison law firm, has hired Attorney Jessica Ozalp to join their litigation group. Ozalp is a recent Univer- sity of Wisconsin Law School graduate. Lauri Binius Droster, senior vice president of RBC Wealth Management and president of The Droster Team, was named the 2011 ATHENA Award recipient at an annual event sponsored by The Business Forum in Madison. News Leslie Neviaser was honored with the 34th annual John C. Fritschler Award by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Dane County. The Fritschler Award is presented to an individual whose work for BBBS exempli- fies the ideals demonstrated by John C. Fritschler, Jr., one of the agency’s founders. The Attic Angel Association donated $50,000 to local organizations—including YWCA-Madison and Mental Health Center of Dane County—with programs designed to help prevent families with young chil- dren from becoming homeless. The Wisconsin Women’s Health Founda- tion will honor six individuals with the “Champion in Women’s Health” awards on May 7. The awards were created to honor individuals who have demonstrated ex- traordinary leadership in women’s health. The champions are: Alonzo Walker, MD; Carol Meils, MD; Ellen Schumann, MD, MS; Mary Lou Ballweg; Mary Starmann- Harrison and Susan Conlin Opheim. Vintage furniture, slipcovers, & accessories for your home gifts Business loans and home loans to help you accomplish your goals 342 Junction Rd. | Madison, WI 53717 (608) 827-2600 Member FDIC May 2011 Paoli, WI • (608) 235-2771 35

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