
August 2011

SportsTurf provides current, practical and technical content on issues relevant to sports turf managers, including facilities managers. Most readers are athletic field managers from the professional level through parks and recreation, universities.

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Tools&Equipment | Products Verticutting 101 ➲Why Verticutting is for thatch control and/or to prepare turf for overseeding. Thatch is an or- ganic layer that develops between the soil surface and the turf canopy, mostly made up of non-decomposed stems. It indicates an im- balance in the turf management system sim- ply because the soil microbial population cannot degrade the stems fast enough. Thatch is a haven for insects and fungal spores that can become problems during times of stress to turf. ➲ How Blades cut vertically into the turf canopy and sever lateral stems, thin grass and thatch. The tearing action can disrupt the playing sur- face similarly to core aeration. Thatch must be removed by raking blowing or sweeping. Leaving it on the turf will just add to the thatch layer. Apply sufficient amounts of fertilizer and water after verticutting to promote rapid turf recovery. You want to take advantage of the grass’s recuperative potential. ➲ When Examine your thatch layer by removing a core; if it’s definitely deeper than one-half inch, consider it time to dethatch. Do not however verticut before expected environ- mental stress. Warm-season turf the best time is late spring/early summer; when the turf- grass is actively growing; for cool-season spring is the best time and again late sum- mer/early fall. You want to take advantage of the grass’s recuperative potential. Consider verticutting 1x per “growing” season. ➲ What Heavy thatch producers include bermuda- grass (after verticutting Bermuda, take the many live stems and use as part of some planting material), zoysia, and Kentucky blue- grass. An aggressive fertilization/use of N and irrigation program makes this situation worse. Perennial ryegrass and tall fescue produce less thatch. 36 SportsTurf | August 2011 NewRider 5000™ HPA The NewRider 5000 HPA from Newstripe is the first true ride-on airless striping machine for marking athletic fields. Featuring front wheel drive with rear steering, it can quickly spray straighter, brighter looking lines on multiple fields with the 50-gal. tank. Save money by adjusting the 0-3000 psi pump to spray ‘just the turf’ and ‘not the dirt’ with any paint. Clogged spray tips and paint lines are a thing of the past with the 2.5-gal., on-board purge tank. The NewRider 5000 HPA also features a hydrostatic drive with 14hp Subaru OHC engine, electric start and removable gun with 25' hose for stencil work. Newstripe SafeMark field layout system Newstripe’s SafeMark field layout system is the safest way to layout any athletic field, and eliminates measuring year after year. There are no holes to catch cleats or plugs to trip over. The SafeMark high density foam locators can’t rust or be destroyed by aerators, mowers or vehicles. The UV protected foam matches the texture and feel of natural turf. They are so safe they can even be installed within the field of play. Tripping and injuries from falls are greatly reduced as there are no exposed plugs, holes or hard materials that cleats can skid on. Once installed with the supplied auger, the 2.5" diameter markers make locating key field layout points a snap. Newstripe Verti-Cut 1200 The Verti-Cut 1200 is a machine that will dethatch and penetrate even in hard ground using the standard carbide tipped blades. It is the ultimate root zone management tool for all surfaces and can work at depths from 0 – 2" at high working speeds. Unlike some verticutters, the Verti-Cut 1200 can be used behind utility vehicles, small tractors and most other prime movers, due to it being offered with a standard PTO drive or as a self contained machine that is powered with an 18-hp Briggs and Stratton engine. Redexim Charterhouse ProCore SR series Reduce soil compaction for healthier turf. The Toro Com- pany’s ProCore SR Series deep-tine aerators offer a variety of solutions to alleviate subsurface soil compaction on greens, fairways, sports fields, parks and many other areas. These durable and time-tested products are capable of with- standing the most extreme aeration conditions. The ProCore SR Series will get the job done! The Toro Company New Turfco aerator The TurnAer XT5 uses Turfco’s patented steerable aera- tor technology with a new variable-speed and reversible hy- drostatic drive system. The result is an aerator that’s 50% more productive then traditional aerators. Operators can steer and reverse with tines in the ground eliminating need to stop, lift and turn with each pass, reducing fatigue, cutting job time and increasing productivity. A well-balanced ma- chine, the XT5 places weight directly over the tines for better penetration. EasyChange tines reduce changeover time. A removable tine cover provides fast, easy access for changes and cleaning. Sealed, self-aligning tine shaft bearings keep maintenance to a minimum. Turfco Manufacturing

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