
October 2014

SportsTurf provides current, practical and technical content on issues relevant to sports turf managers, including facilities managers. Most readers are athletic field managers from the professional level through parks and recreation, universities.

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4 SportsTurf | October 2014 Contents October 2014 | Volume 30 | Number 10 FeaTureS Field Science 8 Environmental conservation: one sports turf manager's story 12 Rolling with the cool kids 16 Renovating Parkview Field in Fort Wayne Facilities & Operations 20 Crew management: handling your most valuable asset 22 Does going Green save you Green? 28 Snow & ice removal: are you up to the challenge? 30 Sodding a seeded variety gets MLB teams up & running quickly Irrigation & Drainage 34 Planning for drainage means deciding between native soil and sand-based systems Tools & equipment 37 Newest products for sports turf managers Special reports 38 Bobcat Company celebrates its 1 millionth loader coming off the production line 2013 STMa Fields of the Year 42 The Steward School Baseball Field, Richmond, VA DeParTMeNTS 6 From the Sidelines 7 STMA President's Message 19 John Mascaro's Photo Quiz 45 STMA in Action 47 STMA Chapter Contacts 48 Marketplace 49 Advertisers' Index 50 Q&A On the cover: The Spartan mascot for The Steward School, Richmond, VA, celebrates the school's STMA 2013 Field of the Year Award for Schools/Parks Baseball. Mark Roberts, Athletic Turf and Field Manager for Steward, is a one-man show for the winners.

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