Equipment World

December 2014

Equipment World Digital Magazine

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Page 70 of 75'HFHPEHU 71 EQUIPMENT INFORMATION PATENT PENDING NEW & IMPROVED OIL DRAIN VALVE EZ TM THE EASIEST OIL CHANGE! STRAIGHT L-SHAPED OPTIONAL HOSE CONNECTIONS REPLACES YOUR EXISTING DRAIN PLUG JUST TURN THE LEVER TO DRAIN OIL REMOVABLE HOSE END USA: (425)999-1200 Canada: (877)508-3900 The RAC Geo II contains a built-in GPS receiver that can be used for distance measuring in place of an external sensor. This reduces your overall cost since you don't have to buy an external sensor and simplifies your installation since no wiring is required. The RAC Geo II also saves you time since no calibration is necessary. $4951045$..;$7(4 +/(;6+&-$9$&- ;#($3"$33$059;31/ 0'645391$'6+5( $5:(.'! 888,$/$35(&*&1/;4$.(4,$/$35(&*&1/ ; (1 %$4(' +45$0&(($463+0)04536/(05 Visit us at w w w . e q u i p m e n t w o r l d . c o m

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