Boating Industry

February 2015

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February 2015 | Boating Industry | 35 [ Social media that sells ] selling 25 boats. If you do the ROI there, that's about $10 a boat – that's incredible!" She said those kind of stories are becoming the norm – an exciting development in the noto- riously immeasurable fi eld of social media. "It's starting to happen, we're actually starting to drive sales through social and You- Tube is an incredible vehicle for that," said DeVlaming. There are two key components of a great boating video: a boat and some information. Some on the water shots are nice but a trailer walkthrough is still a great video. According to the Pew Internet Project, the most-watched vid- eos are funny or educational. Creating a video with some humor is a great way to get views. Businesses without a funny, camera-happy em- ployee can look to how-to videos. On the production end, even without hiring a videographer, great video is accessible to anyone with a decent camera or phone and a little edit- ing knowhow. Another way to get extremely high-quality video is to use manufacturer videos in their social media strategy. Many manufacturers have usable footage for dealerships looking to expand their video collection. Businesses still scratching their heads about what video content to pursue shouldn't be afraid to think beyond the standard boat walkthrough. While YouTube will provide a better ROI on sales-specifi c messaging, personalized engage- ment is still key to building a loyal following. "Just take photos and video to let people know what's going on in your facility," said Fin- klestine. "We try to as much as we can: boats coming in for service, haul outs. Whatever it takes, just show activity." U.S. POSTAL SERVICE STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, AND CIRCULATION 1. PUBLICATION TITLE: Boating Industry/EPG Media, LLC 2. PUBLICATION NUMBER: 796740 ISSN: 15434400 3. FILING DATE: 10/13/2014 4. ISSUE FREQUENCY: Monthly, except combined June/July 5. NUMBER OF ISSUES PUBLISHED ANNUALLY: 9 6. 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PUBLICATION OF STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP: Publication of Statement of Ownership for a Requester Publication is required and will be printed in the February 2015 (2/01/15) issue of this publication. 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF EDITOR, PUBLISHER, BUSINESS MANAGER, OR OWNER: Joanne Juda, Sr. VP Market Development, 9/30/14. I CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION FURNISHED ON THIS FORM IS TRUE AND COMPLETE. I UNDERSTAND THAT ANYONE WHO FURNISHES FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION ON THIS FORM OR WHO OMITS MATERIAL OR INFORMATION REQUESTED ON THE FORM MAY BE SUBJECT TO CRIMINAL SANCTIONS (INCLUDING FINES AND IMPRISONMENT) AND/OR CIVIL SANCTIONS (INCLUDING CIVIL PENALTIES). MORE RESOURCES Boating Industry has a bevvy of social media resources for businesses just starting out or those looking to hone their social media strategy. 5 ways to maximize your YouTube video marketing Learn some detailed tips about how to get the most from your YouTube marketing efforts. Marketing on the platform is more than just uploading a video and walking away. See how to make that video work for you and how to weave online video into your overarching marketing strategy. Social media: 66 tips and tools to grow your business Learn how to make Facebook, Google Plus, YouTube and Pinterest work for your business in our award-winning list of tips and tricks to get your social media planning on the right track. Social media video series from Engaged! We partnered with Engaged!, one of the leading marketing fi rms in the marine industry, to bring you a series of actionable tips and how-tos to improve your social media efforts. From YouTube to hashtags to mobile marketing, this series is designed to get your business up and running on multiple social media platforms. YouTubing for dollars See exactly how to set up your YouTube channel and how to make a great video in this two-part series by marketing coaches Jim Ackerman and Paul Furse – both experts in social media marketing. This is a must read article if you're having trouble coming up with topics for your new video marketing endeavors. Tracking your Facebook page Wondering where all your customers are coming from? It's a good problem to have, but knowing where to allocate those marketing dollars and track ROI is key when polishing a social media plan. This article will give you the tools you need to see where your Facebook marketing is resonating. Monitoring and engagement tools This article also helps you keep track of all your viral success on social media. See who is mentioning your business and see what they are saying with these monitoring tips and tools. Boating Industry .com To fi nd all these stories and more, head to 1 billion » unique users visit YouTube each month More than

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