Oil Prophets

Winter 2015

Issue link: http://read.dmtmag.com/i/464194

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12 Oil Prophets )ROORZLQJWKH*HQHUDO0HPEHUVKLS0HHWLQJWKH¿UVWGD\HQGHGZLWKWKHDVVRFLDWLRQ¶V³+ROLGD\ Reception" featuring food, beverages and a perfect time to relax and network with old friends. The second day began with a Membership Breakfast and a message from Congressman-elect, Gary Palmer from Alabama's Sixth Congressional District. Congressman-elect Palmer gave insightful remarks on the current "State of Affairs" in Washington, DC, including his take on the recent elections and how the Republican-controlled House and Senate will work together to move the country forward. &RQJUHVVPDQHOHFW3DOPHUDOVRVSRNHDERXWKLVSHUVRQDOJRDOVIRUKLV¿UVWWHUPLQRI¿FHDVZHOODV his long-term goals for the country in general. 12 Oil Prophets

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