Oil Prophets

Winter 2015

Issue link: http://read.dmtmag.com/i/464194

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24 Oil Prophets Dues: $268,785 ^ƉŽŶƐŽƌƐŚŝƉƐͬZŽLJĂůƟĞƐ͗ΨϭϴϮ͕ϳϬϴ DĞĞƟŶŐƐ͗Ψϭϯϰ͕ϱϲϲ 'ƵůĨŽĂƐƚ&ŽŽĚΘ&ƵĞůdžƉŽ͗Ψϴϳ͕ϳϱϬ /ŶƚĞƌĞƐƚͬDŝƐĐ͗Ψϱϰ͕ϴϯϭ ZĞŶƚ͗ΨϰϮ͕ϵϳϱ ^ĂůĂƌŝĞƐͬĞŶĞĮƚƐ͗ΨϮϱϬ͕ϳϲϳ DĞĞƟŶŐƐĂŶĚ/ŶĚƵƐƚƌLJ^ƵƉƉŽƌƚ͗ΨϮϭϳ͕ϵϱϬ ĚŵŝŶŝƐƚƌĂƟŽŶ͗Ψϵϭ͕Ϭϵϱ >ĞŐĂůͬĐĐŽƵŶƟŶŐ͗Ψϲϳ͕ϭϵϱ ƵŝůĚŝŶŐhƉŬĞĞƉ͗ΨϮϱ͕ϭϯϯ dĂdžĞƐͬ&ĞĞƐ͗ΨϮϬ͕ϳϲϱ ĐƟǀĞDĞŵďĞƌƐ͗Ϯϱϭ ƐƐŽĐŝĂƚĞDĞŵďĞƌƐ͗ϭϯϲ ĸůŝĂƚĞDĞŵďĞƌƐ͗ϭϲ ,QRUGHUWRKDYHORQJWHUPVWDELOLW\IRUWKHPHPEHUVKLSWKHDVVRFLDWLRQPXVWRSHUDWHLQD¿VFDOO\SUXGHQW manner. Over the past few years the association has learned to review, revise and revisit many of our day- to-day activities in order to compensate for the reduction in revenues caused by the changes in our industry DQGHFRQRP\7KDQNIXOO\WKH¿QDQFLDOSRVLWLRQRIWKHDVVRFLDWLRQUHPDLQVVWURQJWKDQNVWRWKHVWHZDUGVKLSRI WKHERDUGRIGLUHFWRUV$VXPPDU\RIWKHXQDXGLWHG¿QDQFLDOLQIRUPDWLRQDVRI'HFHPEHULVDV follows: 2014 FINANCES 2014 Revenue Total $771,435 2014 Expenses Total $672,905 2014 Membership Despite continued consolidation in the industry and a challenging economic climate, association membership remained strong during 2014. We appreciate your continued support. 2013 2014 ĐƟǀĞDĞŵďĞƌƐ͗Ϯϯϵ ƐƐŽĐŝĂƚĞDĞŵďĞƌƐ͗ϭϮϰ ĸůŝĂƚĞDĞŵďĞƌƐ͗ϭϳ ΨϰϮ͕ϵϳϱ Ψϱϰ͕ϴϯϭ Ψϴϳ͕ϳϱϬ Ψϭϯϰ͕ϱϲϲ ΨϭϴϮ͕ϳϬϴ $268,785 ΨϮϬ͕ϳϲϱ Ψϲϳ͕ϭϵϱ Ψϵϭ͕Ϭϵϱ ΨϮϭϳ͕ϵϱϬ ΨϮϱϬ͕ϳϲϳ ΨϮϱ͕ϭϯϯ ϭϲ ϭϯϲ Ϯϱϭ ϭϳ ϭϮϰ Ϯϯϵ 24 Oil Prophets

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