
Vol. 1 2015

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2 0 1 5 V 1 | BULLDOG | 1 1 truck, the dealer and the Uptime Center team. Collette can see the tractor's mileage and time in service. He can also see the truck's GPS coordinates, which he enters into Google Maps so he knows exactly where it is. 6DIHW\ƄUVW Collette makes sure the driver is in a safe location (he is, the tractor is parked in the truck yard), and is not facing hazardous weather conditions. He also makes sure the trailer is secure (in this case, there isn't one). Then he goes to work on getting the truck back on the road as quickly as possible. Next, Collette determines if the tractor can be repaired on-site. "I don't want to tow a WUXFNLIVRPHERG\RQWKHJURXQGFDQƄ[LWLQ 20 minutes," he says. &ROOHWWHFDOOVWKHGULYHUpVƅHHWPDQDJHU who refers him to the service manager, who says the tractor needs to be towed to a Mack dealership for the repair and update. Collette calls upon his past experience in taking the next step in the process: contacting the dealership. Before joining the call center, Collette worked for more than 10 years in the auto industry as a line tech, service manager and warranty administrator. q0\DXWRLQGXVWU\H[SHULHQFHLVGHƄQLWHO\D SOXVEHFDXVH,XQGHUVWDQGWKHƅRZRIZRUN through a dealership," he says. "My experience in a service department is also a plus because sometimes I have to function as an interpreter, communicating service department jargon to the customer in terms KHFDQXQGHUVWDQGr} When talking to the dealership, Collette JLYHVWKHPVSHFLƄFVDERXWWKHWUDFWRUOLNH how many miles and hours are on it and what's wrong. He checks to see if the dealership has a towing service, and since they don't in this case, he asks the dealership to issue a purchase order to a tow vendor. "One of the biggest advantages we provide for the customer is putting the complete package together," he says. "If there is a warrantable failure, when the dealer submits DZDUUDQW\FODLPWKHƅHHWKDVWRKDYHWKH paperwork listing the parts, the labor, the tow bill, everything they need." After contacting the tow service and setting XSWKHWRZ&ROOHWWHFDOOVWKHGULYHUDQGƅHHW manager and lets them know the ETA. The entire process usually requires about four calls, only one of which — the initial call — is made by the customer. The Uptime Center coordinator handles all of the communication. In the case above, the tractor was close to the local dealer, but what happens when it's on the other side of the country? Collette VD\VRQHRIWKHPRVWEHQHƄFLDOVHUYLFHVWKH Uptime Center offers is its ASIST program, a Web-based tool that allows the customer, dealer and the Uptime Center to communicate on one platform. "If you are a dispatcher in Tennessee, and you have a truck broken down in California, all you can do is throw a dart in a phone book and hope," 6KDXQ&ROOHWWHRIIHUVFXVWRPHUVHUYLFHVXSSRUWWRGULYHUVFDOOLQJLQIRUDVVLVWDQFH "My experience in a service department is also a plus because sometimes I have to function as an interpreter, communicating service department jargon to the customer in terms he can understand." Shaun Collette, customer support specialist 7KHWUXFNHUGRHVQ WKDYHWR ZDVWHYDOXDEOHWLPHZDLWLQJ IRUUHSDLUV2QHHDV\FDOOWR WKH8SWLPH&HQWHUVWDUWVWKH SURFHVVIRUJHWWLQJEDFNRQ WKHURDG

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