Key Milwaukee

August 2015

An A-Z visitors guide to Milwaukee Wisconsin. Sponsored by Key Magazine Milwaukee, Wisconsin

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W I S C O N S I N S T A T E F A I R C E L E B R AT E S 1 6 4 Y E A R S / A U G 6 - 1 6 On-a-Stick, On-a-Stick, ENTERTAINMENT 30 stages of free entertainment of all kinds. New this year is the Sea Lion Splash Show pre - sented by Meijer. The Main Stage presented by Potawatomi Hotel & Casino brings national headliners to the fair (separate ticket required for all shows, includes fair admission). Also at the Main Stage this year, dare - devil Nik Wallenda, King of the High Wire, will attempt his longest walk ever over the historic Milwaukee Mile Speed - way. Other Main Stage highlights: Boston, Ja- son Derulo, Lee Brice & Chris Young, Happy Together Tour, Casting Crowns, Nik Wallenda, Under the Sun Tour, Justin Moore, John Kay & Steppenwolf, Hair At the Fair, Kenny Rogers. Stage by Hotel brings headliners (separate required for all for all for includes fair the Main year, dare year, dare year, - FAMILY FUN rural & urban life meet The fun includes the animal barns, youth exhibits, interactive activities, Sky Glider, Kiddie Kingdom, Giant Slide and SpinCity (the amusement ride and game area). Pigs race several times daily at The Racing Animals Arena, while the air-conditioned, 200,000 square- foot Expo Center and other marketplaces satisfy the shop-a- holic. On-a-Stick, FUN urban meet includes the barns, youth barns, youth barns, interactive interactive On-a-Stick, FOOD unique & unusual In addition to Original Cream Puffs (the famous fair sta- ple), dozens of other food op- tions abound. Think the most creative food- on-a-stick imagin- able! New this year: Wis-Cone-sin, pretzel cone, chicken schnit- zel, potato pancake, German Rotkohl, (pictured) from Water Street Brewery and Deep Fried Pretzel Crusted Brownies On-a-Stick from Saz's.

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