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Winter 2016 — 13 Minutes of the quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors of National Catholic Society of Foresters. Wednesday, Dec. 2, 2015 The December quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors of the National Catholic Society of Foresters was called to order by National President Margaret Schmitt on Wednesday, Dec. 2, 2015 at 3:20 p.m. in the conference room of the Comfort Inn in Arlington Heights. Opening prayer and Pledge of Allegiance were said. Roll call was taken. Present were National President Margaret "Peggy" Schmitt, National Vice President Sally Egan, National Secretary Catherine "Cathy" Hensel and National Directors David Bonacker, Terence "Patrick" Coleman, Jeanne Filipp and COO Lisa Bickus. Not present: Directors Jane Uselman, Maria Tupaz, Rosalie Pyle, Sandra Troyanoski. Sally Egan moved and second by Jeanne Filipp that the Board of Directors accepts the agenda for the December 2015 Board meeting. Adopted 6-0. Secretary's report was presented covering conference calls since the last board meeting and corrected. The Board met on conference call Thursday, Oct. 22, 2015 at 7 p.m. On the call were National President Margaret Schmitt, National Vice President Sally Egan, National Secretary Catherine Hensel and Directors David Bonacker, Patrick Coleman, Jeanne Filipp, Rosalie Pyle, Maria Tupaz, Jane Uselman and COO Lisa Bickus. Sandra Troyanoski was absent for the first part of the call. Meeting was opened with a prayer. COO Lisa Bickus gave her verbal report: The new organizational chart was presented with Lisa discussing her reasoning behind the title changes of the departments. Rosalie Pyle moved, second by Jane Uselman, to accept the organization chart "Oct. Part II" as presented. Motion adopted: 9 yes, 1 absent. Lisa explained why she would like to make the business hours 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. We are working with different time zones, so the employees can stagger hours to be available to all time zones during working hours. Patrick Coleman moved, second by Sally Egan, to adjust business hours to 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday thru Friday. Motion adopted: 9 yes, 1 absent. Sandra Troyanoski joined the meeting. Lisa presented quotes for the health insurance for the staff. Lisa recommends staying with United Healthcare which is our current provider. Jeanne Filipp moved that the Board select the United Healthcare (current) plan as the health insurance plan for employees effective Dec. 1, 2015. David Bonacker, second. Motion adopted: 10 yes, 0 no. Lisa left the call at 8:20 p.m. Rosalie Pyle representing the Governance Committee made the motion: The Governance Committee moves that NCSF retain Harvey Bergholz of Jelsen Corp. as a consultant and to attend the Dec. 2015 board meeting to assist and guide the Board through a comprehensive retreat and strategic planning session. Motion adopted: 6 yes, 4 no. Peggy will contact Harvey for contract or statement of work to be performed so that the Finance Committee can review. The conference call meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Board members filled out Conflict of Interest forms. Officer and committee reports were presented. At 5 p.m. Directors Rosalie Pyle, Sandra Troyanoski and Jane Uselman joined the meeting. The Personnel Committee presented their report, discussion followed about the National Treasurer position. The Board reconvened after dinner and Director Maria Tupaz joined using skype. Lisa Bickus, COO gave the COO report. Dates for the 2016 Board Meeting were set: March: Wednesday, March 16 travel day; Board meets March 17, 18 and ½ day on Saturday, March 19. June: Wednesday, June 22 a 5 p.m. start; Thursday, June 23, Friday, June 24 and ½ day on Saturday, June 25 September: Travel day Wednesday, Sept. 7; Board Meeting Thursday, Sept. 8 at the American Fraternal Alliance Annual Meeting Sept. 9 and 10. December: Wednesday, Nov. 30 travel day; meet on Thursday, Dec. 1, Friday, Dec. 2 and ½ day on Dec. 3. Meeting recessed at 10:05 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 3, 2015 Meeting was called to order at 7:45 a.m. in the conference room of the Comfort Inn in Arlington Heights. From the National Secretary continued on page 14