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Winter 2016 — 17 St. Mary Magdalene Court 117, Mantador, ND St. Mary Magdalene Court 117 member Lois Gully received her Perpetual Mass card. What a great smile! St. Mary Court 208, Wabasha, MN A cosponsored salad luncheon raised $2,459.34 for smart boards at St. Felix School. NCSF matched $750. Above l-r: Eleanor Dick, Lana Ostrom, Principal Deb Beach, Treasurer Darlene Wolfe, Msgr. Tom Cook, Co-chairmen Jan Glomski and Pat Kolb, and President Betty Fischer. St. Lucas Court 233 Court 233 raised $1,182.11 and NCSF matched $1,182.11 at the Oktoberfest Brunch! Funds will benefit the German American Museum, Library and Family History Center improvements and the Hauer Blackshop Shop restoration. Immaculate Conception Court 253, Munising, MI Court 253 members Norma LaFave, Margaret Chalty, Therese Palomaki, Marilyn Cook, Gertrude Servia, Margaret Kemper help with the book sale, 50/50 raffle and bake sale. President Charlotte Serr worked the door prize table with Betty Hall. Friends Family Fraternalism Hearts and Hands Events, ....... Junior Court Activities, Court Meetings, Good Works, Anniversary Celebrations, and More! The deadline to send in your court's picture and story for the Spring 2016 NCF magazine will be March 1, 2016.