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In 2016, we begin by utilizing ourselves in learning how to transition from performing the day-to-day tasks and stepping into the role of getting results through others. We will utilize the acronym P.A.C.E. this year to make great strides within our Society. The road ahead for our Society is embracing new ways of thinking that includes infl uencing followers to achieve collective results. Together through collaboration we are excited about rolling out our new policy administration system in June of 2016. This new platform will create effi ciencies and streamline many of our operational processes. National Catholic Forester 6 from your Chief Operations Officer INTRODUCING Mike Wershay Mike Wershay is an insurance producer in Milwaukee, WI. He and his wife Becky have 2 children: Mark, an architect and Kristen, an American Express Corporate Meetings Planner. Before becoming an insurance agent Mike wanted to become an architect, and today it is still one of his hobbies; Mike designs floor plans, builds additions and decks. For vacation Mike and his family prefer winter locations and down-hill skiing over warm beaches. A charity that is close to Mike's heart is Big Brother/Big Sisters in Milwaukee – of which Mike is on the Executive Committee; this year they were able to get a partnership with the NFL. Also this year Mike and NCSF were one of the sponsors for the Big Brother/Big Sisters Charity Golf Outing, which raised over $100,000 in one day! The root of Mike's interest in sales came from his father. Mike grew up in Barrington, IL with two brothers. His dad was a traveling sales engineer and would takes his sons with him on his travels. He went to college at Doane in Crete, NE and graduated with a BA in economics. From college Mike went straight into insurance. It was at that time he moved with his wife Becky to Milwaukee – building his business from the ground up. Mike also had an office with his brothers, who inherited the same keen mind for sales; their business was called Wershay, Wershay, and Wershay. Mike is a people-person. He has been an agent for 45 years and is "high-touch over high-tech". His practice is based on great service, from start to finish; when a product is confusing, or during the emotional time of making a claim, Mike is a personal guide for every step of his client's and family's journey. Mike helps with all the paperwork and hand-delivers items. "That's what's important to me," says Mike. When you speak with a client, and they open up to you, "that trust-bond is phenomenal [you can't describe it] but you know it is there." Mike likes working with fraternal insurance companies because of their financial strength. His favorite NCSF product is the Fixed 7-Year Annuity. He also likes 20-Pay Life Insurance because you can use it to plan for tax-free money during retirement. When asked if he has a New Year's resolution for 2016, Mike said, "No, I don't do that – I just know it is going to be a great year!" We thank you Mike and wish you great things in 2016 too. Mike is licensed to do business in IL and WI. To contact Mike, you may reach him at (262) 369-8284. AGENT SPOTLIGHT continued on page 15 P.A.C.E = Progress + Accountable + Collaborate + Excellence I ... have dedicated my year to be an inspirational leader – to help develop our employees with positive recognition, reduction of anxiety, and providing direction.