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Winter 2016 — 7 The Archdiocese of Denver, CO The NCSF grant will be used for a communication tool created by The Denver Catholic, the media and information arm of the Archdiocese of Denver. With over 570,000 Catholics in the Archdiocese of Denver, and covering a territory with 149 parishes, the Archdiocese was faced with the challenge of delivering consistent, succinct, and accurate communication. The NCSF grant will contribute to the program's development and implementation, allowing the system to be provided to the parish at no cost to them individually. The Archdiocese of St. Louis, MO The NCSF grant will be used for targeted social media marketing campaigns. While the general use of social media outlets is cost-free, targeting specific groups with specific messages, at specific times, for specific results is not. The campaign will highlight the positive and beautiful teachings of the Catholic Church with regard to marriage, life, and personal freedom; to clarify, instruct, and engage younger adults who can take what they learn and instruct others. The Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, MN The NCSF grant will be used for a multi-media installment of The Catholic Spirit's 15-part series on the works of mercy with the working title "Have Mercy". For example, instead of focusing on a ministry program itself, the story will dig into the person behind the ministry … how they began doing it, how it has changed them, their most challenging moment, their greatest reward, what they have learned, and why the ministry is important to the Church. The Diocese of Cleveland, OH The NCSF grant will go towards online streaming services. The live streaming of diocesan liturgical, sacramental, and special cathedral-based events would be embedded on the Diocese of Cleveland's website and made available to anyone wishing to view them. This also includes an archive of broadcasts to allow them to be viewed after the events have concluded. The Diocese of Fort Wayne – South Bend, IN The NCSF grant will help promote their production "Faustina: Messenger of Divine Mercy". The production is a one-woman live performance by St. Luke Productions, based on the life and message of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska (1905-1938) – a Polish visionary whose personal encounters with Jesus have inspired a devotion to Christ's mercy. A parallel modern story within the drama will offer audiences a compelling personal connection to the current moral issues of our times. The Diocese of Fresno, CA The NCSF grant will be used for a televised program for young adults on KNXT Catholic Television. Their programming is broadcast 24/7 and is also available via cable, satellite, live streaming, Roku, and YouTube. They have developed a television program in cooperation with the Diocese Youth/ Young Adult Ministry that explores current issues from a faith perspective. The program will be recorded on-location in a "coffee house" setting and will feature a panel of young adults and special guests. The NCSF grant will be used to purchase suitable LED lighting instruments for this production. Without this equipment, production values for the program would be very difficult to maintain consistently. The Diocese of Sacramento, CA The NCSF grant will help boost posts on Facebook that promote parish and diocesan classes; conferences; programs; and retreats for youth, young adults and families. Covering over 20 counties and 40,000 square miles, the Diocese of Sacramento found Facebook to be an effective means of reaching and resonating with today's youth's parents, teens, and young adults. Specifically the grant will allow the Diocese of Sacramento to promote 30-50 faith formation opportunities between September 2015 and May 2016 in English and in Spanish. "Our communication grants," said NCSF's Chief Operations Officer Lisa M. Bickus, "enable awardees to pursue the important work of each individual diocese; so that they may be relevant, engaging and authentic with their own unique audience." Every year National Catholic Society of Foresters awards seven communication grants at $1,500 each – A TOTAL OF $10,500! Recipients for 2015 are: G R A N T Communication