STiR coffee and tea magazine

Volume 5, Number 2

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14 STiR tea & coffee industry international / Issue 2, 2016 (April/May) Probat c.e.o. Wim Abbing Q A NEWS By Dan Shryock STiR: You're known as a coffee industry visionary. Why are you so passionate about this industry? Abbing: I love the business. The business is full of remarkable people. More than the coffee, there are the people and the ideas. It's so amazing. I don't care to sell toothpaste. It's not the same. Coffee people are different and I'm so passionate about working together with them. We at PROBAT serve the whole market from the small individual shops to the large corporations and they're all so different. But they all care about quality coffee. STiR: PROBAT is a leading innovator in the roasting industry. What is the company's philosophy? Abbing: I think this is how we do things at PROBAT. I'm running this company as the fourth generation. It's not only me. We work together as a family business, not only as shareholders but also the work force. We have a philosophy – always strive to be bet- ter in all that we do, starting with the business but also in our social responsibility. It's also about education of young people. We have a big department for training our own people. This is the heritage of this company, and of this family. Look to the young people, train them as good as you can and keep them involved in everything you can. That brings the best out of them. Wim Abbing, c.e.o. and managing partner of PROBAT-Werke, oversees a fourth-generation family business that has grown during the past 140 years to become an industry leader in coffee roasting machines, roller mills, and ancillary equipment. PROBAT operates subsidiaries in Brazil, India, Italy, the Philippines and the United States in addition to its headquarters in Germany. The company employs 800 wordwide with 550 in Germany. Abbing spoke with STiR Tea & Coffee International during the Host International Hospitality Exhibition in Milan, Italy. Wim Abbing

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