Water Well Journal

August 2016

Water Well Journal

Issue link: http://read.dmtmag.com/i/705618

Contents of this Issue


Page 36 of 71

Remembering who will inherit the environment we produce reinforces our commitment to it. Over 70 years ago, Square D set the standard for innovative, high quality water pressure switches and, ever since that time, Square D has been consistently recognized as the #1 brand in the industry. That same level of commitment to building the highest performing pressure switches possible can also be seen in our commitment to maintaining the healthiest environment possible. 6TXDUH':DWHU3UHVVXUH6ZLWFKHVDUHFHUWL¿HGE\16)DVVXULQJFXVWRPHUVWKDWRXUVZLWFKHVDUH LQFRPSOLDQFHZLWKWKHVWULFW16)VWDQGDUGVDQGSURFHGXUHVIRUGULQNLQJZDWHUVDIHW\([WHQVLYH product testing, material analysis, and even unannounced plant inspections are all part of the product HYDOXDWLRQSURFHVVWRZKLFKZHVXEPLWWRHDUQWKLVYHU\LPSRUWDQWFHUWL¿FDWLRQ:K\GRZHGRLW" 2QHORRNDWWKRVHZKRZLOOLQKHULWRXUHQYLURQPHQWLVDOOWKHPRWLYDWLRQZHQHHG :KRVKRXOG\RXWUXVWIRU\RXUZDWHUSUHVVXUHVZLWFKVROXWLRQV" tesensors.com/pressuresensors Simply easy! NSF/ANSI 61 Annex G NSF/ANSI 372

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