Changing Lanes

January 2013

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Capitol Hill Report ways transportation agencies are simultaneously cutting costs, helping the environment, and strengthening environment," said NCDOT Secretary Gene Conti. Kansas Department of Transportation's mowing policy that promotes re-growth of the state's "This report documents how state transportation departments, the 146,000 acres of land adjacent municipal planning organizations, to the state's highways, while cutting and transit providers are putting into mowing costs practice proven techniques that million a year are speeding up and enhancing project delivery road users' and cutting The Leaner and safety. costs while Greener report shows protecting and that not only are Minnesota even improving sustainable transportation Department of environmental practices proving Transportation's resources," possible, but they are fast (MnDOT) said AASHTO becoming the norm for investment in Executive doing business. smart snow Director John and ice removal Horsley. practices reduces salt Here are usage and just a few associated examples of the winter maintenance costs while successful programs highlighted in the study: North Carolina Department reducing impacts to the environment of Transportation's (NCDOT) replacement designs that have "At MnDOT we're committed to CHANGING LANES snow fences which are made of 24 while supporting water quality goals. training for snow plow drivers, to "These low-impact replacement dollars while improving safety and promoting economic growth with minimal impact to the surrounding low, and the environment protected," said Bernie Arseneau, MnDOT Acting Commissioner. JANUARY 2013 // WWW.CHANGINGLANESDIGITAL.COM

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