Best Driver Jobs

February 2013

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BestDriver News Truckload Carriers Association Selects Highway Angel of the Year 2 012 marked the fifth time that the Truckload Carriers Association (TCA) has selected a Highway Angel of the Year who best embodies the spirit of the organization's Highway Angel program. Last year's recipient was Kenny Cass, a driver development instructor for FedEx Freight of Portland, Oregon. TCA and Internet Truckstop, the Highway Angel program sponsor, told Cass' story to thousands of fans at the Famous Idaho Potato Bowl on Saturday, December 15, 2012 at Bronco Stadium in Boise, Idaho. On March 22, 2012, at approximately 8:10 p.m., Cass was driving along Martin Luther King Blvd. in Portland when he witnessed a pickup truck rear-end a 53' tractor trailer. The pick-up was now wedged up to its windshield unKenny Cass of FedEx der the truck. Freight was honored at Cass immedithe Famous Idaho Potato ately called 911, Bowl in Boise, Idaho turned on his flashers, and placed his vehicle 50 yards behind the scene to warn oncoming traffic. He approached the pick-up and found the bloody and disoriented driver still alive, wearing his seatbelt, and — unbelievably — talking on his cell phone! Cass told him to remain still and wait for help to arrive. He then checked on the driver of the tractor 72 February 2013 news 0213.indd 1 trailer and found her to be okay, but also somewhat disoriented. Since Cass is a professional driver trainer, he knew that her truck would be equipped with reflective triangles. Even though she did not seem to understand what he was talking about, he was able to locate the triangles and put them together. Holding them in front of his chest to reflect his own body so no one would hit him, he placed the triangles an appropriate distance from the wreck. Cass knew that the triangles were an important tool for warning oncoming traffic, which would be hurtling toward the wreck in the dark at 55 mph. As he returned to the pick-up truck, Cass saw that smoke was now billowing from beneath it. Fearing a possible fire, he smashed the window and pulled the driver out, still on the phone. He got the man to sit in a safe place nearby. Now he rushed back to the driver of the tractor trailer, got her out of her vehicle, and obtained her fire extinguisher. Meanwhile, the pick-up driver had left the scene…apparently he was still in shock and had begun running toward oncoming traffic! Cass got him to safety and had started applying bandages to BestDriverJOBS 1/7/13 5:21 PM

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