2014 ADA Annual Catalog

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PREVENTION Sealants I Quick Reference Tooth decay often occurs on the chewing surfaces of back teeth. The good news is that sealants can help protect these surfaces from tooth decay and improve your chances to stay filling-free. What causes tooth decay? Your teeth are coated with a sticky film of bacteria called plaque. The bacteria convert the sugars you eat and drink into harmful acids that attack tooth enamel. Over time, these attacks may break down the enamel and cause cavities. Even a toothbrush bristle is too big to reach inside a groove in the tooth (magnified). What is a sealant? A sealant is a plastic material (resin) applied to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth. The resin flows into the pits and grooves in the teeth. Once they are covered, food and plaque cannot get in. The sealant forms a barrier against acid attacks. SeAlAntS QUiCk reFerenCe CArD rEVISEd Easily explain how sealants can protect teeth and prevent decay. This two-sided card says what a sealant is and how it is applied, including photos beforeand-after sealant application. Other decay-prevention tips are also listed. Use the blank lines on the back to add your own message. W276 100 per pack PATIENT EDUCATION Chewing surface of a molar before a sealant is applied. W276 QTY MEMBER RETAIL 100 $29.00 $43.50 500 $123.00 $184.50 1,000 How are sealants applied? The teeth are cleaned and the chewing surfaces are prepared to help the sealant stick to the teeth. The sealant is painted onto the chewing surface where it bonds to the tooth and hardens. Sometimes a special light is used to help the sealant harden. It usually takes only a few minutes to seal each tooth. $203.00 $304.50 Continued on back DentAl SeAlAntS: ProteCtinG YoUr teetH, PreVentinG DeCAY SEALANTS | KIDS AND TEENS BESt SEllEr The full spectrum of sealant benefits are on display in this brochure. It explains how this quick, easy and nearly invisible method acts as a barrier to "seal out" plaque. Features new before-and-after photos, along with a "toothbrush bristle and groove" photo. Also tells parents how to protect children's teeth from decay with daily home care and regular dental visits. PERSONALIZE IT #DAB019 See page 87 W291 English 6 panels 50 per pack W223 Spanish QTY MEMBER RETAIL 50 $26.00 $39.00 100 $45.50 $68.25 500 $192.00 $288.00 1,000 $325.00 $487.50 W291 SeAl oUt DeCAY BESt SEllEr Prevention is always better than treatment. This invaluable mini-brochure explains how sealants protect teeth, how they are applied, and what else patients can do to keep their teeth decay-free. New before-and-after photos show how sealants blend right in. Includes a reminder that sealants may later need to be reapplied. Terrific as a statement stuffer or for health fairs. W191 Mini brochure 5.875" x 3" QTY 74 ADA_Catalog_PRINT_9.5.indb 74 RETAIL $29.00 $43.50 500 W191 MEMBER 100 $123.00 $184.50 1,000 $203.00 100 per pack $304.50 o r D e r BY PH o n e: 80 0.947. 4746 9/5/13 11:37 AM

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