Pro Trucker

January 2014

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Unique Trucks Continued demanding. Its 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We have to go to work at a drop of a hat. No excuses. It takes a special breed of truck driver to work with us, and our people are up to the challenge. We have a very low turnover rate. I think that goes back to our formula: operate a quality company, using quality equipment and you can hire and retain quality people." "When we bought the company, we had less than 50 people," recalled Luft. "Today, we're international and have 5,700 employees. In fact, we're the largest pressure pumping company not only in Canada, but also in Russia." Luft still has his CDL license, something he displays with pride. "I started as a truck driver and still have driving in my blood," he said. "I'm very proud of what 14 PROTR0114_Unique Trucks.indd 2 we've accomplished here at Trican. We strive to be the best service provider in the industry. Transporting our equipment and our image up and down the roads of the oil patch is an important part of who we are and our drivers require a dependable piece of equipment that they can use and be proud of. It's been an important part of our formula for success."• January • 2014 12/9/13 10:16 AM

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