
February 2014

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FEBRUARY 2014 | BRAVAMAGAZINE.COM 73 3 South Pinckney Street, Suite 1000 Madison, WI 53703 608.441.0300 7KHPHQDQGZRPHQRIWKHODZoUPRI von Briesen & Roper care passionately about their profession, their clients and their community. Committed to unparalleled service, recognized expertise and excellence — our people are invested in the success of their communities. Every year we support organizations that make a positive impact on the places we live, like Kanopy Dance. Because we believe it is important to give back, we want to take a moment to let you know about this great organization and their upcoming performance in our community. N A T U R E M A T H W R I T I N G A R T G A R D E N I N G S P A N I S H 3 2 7 6 S . H i g h P o i n t R o a d , M a d i s o n , W I 5 3 7 1 9 6 0 8 . 8 4 5 . 3 2 4 5 k i d s E x p r e s s . c o m Open 11am - 10pm, Monday-Saturday 1828 Parmenter Street, Middleton ZZZYLOODGROFHFDIHFRP &DOOIRUUHVHUYDWLRQVIRU)ULGD\)HEUXDU\ RU6DWXUGD\)HEUXDU\ :HGQHVGD\1LJKWLV'DWH1LJKW $OO:LQHVDUHSULFHZKHQSXUFKDVHGE\WKHERWWOH 3,==(5,$5,6725$17( :,1(/281*( Celebrate Valentine's Day at Villa Dolce! (QWUpH&KRLFHV/REVWHU5DYLROL/DPE&KRSV6WHDN *2850(73,==$3$67$6

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