Best Driver Jobs

April 2014

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no monthly fees, there are also no long-term contracts or smartphones required. Because it can produce an instant paper log, VDO RoadLog helps drivers get through roadside inspections and back on the road faster and easier than any other electronic log. VDO RoadLog also generates mileage reports for IRP / IFTA as well as key compliance data for Vehicle Inspection and Repair Mainte- nance (DVIR). Keeping drivers on the move VDO RoadLog is easy to use and installs in as little as 15 minutes. It can automati- cally track the driver's time in one of four categories: On-duty, Driving, Sleeper Berth or Off-duty. It provides a warning if allow- able limits will be exceeded. At the com- pletion of a trip, the driver can download the data, which includes hours of service, vehicle inspections, shipping document and asset updates, to a Driver Key (USB) and then transfer that data to the Fleet Manage- ment Software database. Educational videos This video is part of a comprehensive li- brary of informative, how-to and training vid- eos, which are designed to support the VDO RoadLog EOBR/ELD program. The program currently features six videos, including one about HOS Compliance, an EOBR/ELD Mandate Solution, an EOBR/ELD Buyers Guide, an EOBR/ELD installation tutorial, and tips for law enforcement. bdj All of the videos are available at www. and can be easily viewed from laptops, tablets and mobile phones. For more information, visit: www.vdoro-, or contact: roadlog-sales@vdo. com. Trucking Tools 42 April 2014 BestDriverJOBS Industry Insider 0414.indd 2 3/7/14 2:26 PM

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