Fuel Oil News

Fuel Oil News June 2014

The home heating oil industry has a long and proud history, and Fuel Oil News has been there supporting it since 1935. It is an industry that has faced many challenges during that time. In its 77th year, Fuel Oil News is doing more than just holding

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industry pounding the pavement in Washington to roll-back any reforms. "Wall Street looked at it and said; well, now this is law. We've got these rules and there are three things we can do," Collura said. "Number one, we can push really hard against the regulations through our meetings with CFTC commis- sioners and their staffs and through the comment letters we submit. And make those comment letters as lengthy and complicated as possible. We have to question everything. This drew out the rulemaking process tremendously. The second thing Wall Street said was that if we lose and the rules are finalized—let's sue them. And they've done that with the speculative position limits, for example. And then the third thing was let's tell members of Congress, particularly in a newly Republican-controlled House, just how horrible this bill is and how it's going to harm our ability to remain inno- vative and competitive globally and how it is going to prevent us from pushing the economic recovery." Legislation was introduced to try to repeal Dodd-Frank, or to intervene in the rulemaking process and force the CFTC to change its rules. The industry was able to counter any effort of consequence. Attempts have also been mounted to cut CFTC funding, and thereby cut its efforts to enforce the rules. The industry was successful in fighting off the proposed cuts but unsuccessful in attempts to increase funding. Opponents of Dodd-Frank were perhaps most successful in influencing the rule on position limits. "The first version of the position limits rule that we had a huge influence on was struck down, and new position limits have been proposed that are going to be more resistant to court chal- lenge," Cota said. "It's not what we want, but it's better than the alternative." Collura agrees that the limits are still too high, and noted that under the new limits if the spot month or front month for com- modities is 25% of deliverable supply, and you have, for exam- ple, 100 speculators, and each of them has 25% of deliverable supply at a maximum position for crude oil those 100 specula- tors would control 2,500% of the deliverable supply of crude oil. "We've argued that creates an artificial demand for the product and drives up the price," he said. "We also argued strongly for an across-the-board limit on all speculation as a class of trade. The CFTC said that was much too heavy of a lift, and it would've guaranteed litigation and they were not comfortable with that. We would probably need an act of Congress to make it happen, which is not likely to happen anytime in the near future." The successes have been notable. "I think the Dodd Frank 20 June 2014 | FueL OIL neWS | www.fueloilnews.com FUELS

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