Changing Lanes

August 2014

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CHANGING LANES 12 AUGUST 2014 // WWW.CHANGINGLANESDIGITAL.COM Laugh Lane Humor As Seen On The Web Recently, the Pope was in Las Vegas at a convention giving a speech. When the speech was finished, he climbed into the back of the Popemobile for the ride back to his hotel. After a few blocks, the Pope knocks on the window and tells the chauffer, "Pull over, my son, I feel like driving." Not having the authority to deny such a request, the chauffer pulls over and switches positions with the Pope. Taking full advantage of a rare opportunity, the Pope takes off like a maniac. Soon after taking the wheel, His Eminence is traveling 70, 80, 90 MPH. Inevitably, the Pope goes through a speed trap and gets pulled over. The officer walks up to the Popemobile, looks in the "bubble," then looks at the driver, looks back at the bubble, and starts shaking his head. "Wait here, I have to call the station," says the officer. After walking back to his car, he calls in and says, "Sarge, I just pulled someone big over and I don't know what to do." The Sergeant responds asking "Well who is it, the mayor?" "No bigger than that," the officer says. "Who then, the governor?" "No bigger." "The president?" "No bigger." "Well who the heck is it? The offi cer responds, saying, "I'm not sure, but let's put it this way, he has the Pope for a chauffeur!" " Holy Roller Traffic Stop On The Road To Heaven?

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