
Cheers July/August 2011

Cheers is dedicated to delivering hospitality professionals the information, insights and data necessary to drive their beverage business by covering trends and innovations in operations, merchandising, service and training.

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McAlister’s Deli uses digital menu boards. How can operators choose among the dizzying array of services out there? Do The Research: Kreider recommends doing “a lot of research” before making decisions, and she tries to keep on top of new technologies by attending trade shows and collaborating with the IT team, executive chefs and operations teams. Consider Integration: Particularly for operators without access to an IT department, make sure a provider is able to integrate their product with existing systems. Find the Best People: Especially if you’re planning to build a system from scratch, Jackson recommends working with the best people you can afford. “If you don’t do it right it won’t help sales, it will hurt you. People will walk.” Fit the Concept: “If you don’t do a to-go business, online ordering might not make sense,” Alexander counsels. “But if you do a lot, online ordering could free up people on the phone and make it easier on the back end.” Take It Slow: Rather than trying to implement every new technology at once, Alexander’s philosophy is: “Pick one and go for it.” Make It Intuitive: Make sure any new technology is easy for servers to learn and easy for customers to fi gure out and use. “Ultimately the people at the store are there to serve the guests, not to power up the menu boards every day,” Kreider quips. “The easier you can make it, the better the experience all around.” The Final Word? One theme heard repeatedly from operators, especially in the fi ne-dining world, is that technology can help effi ciency and customer engagement, but it’s not a substitute for hospitality. Harof sums it up: “It’s nice to make things as effi cient as you can, but the technology isn’t going to help a guy cooking 300 steaks on a Saturday night. That comes from experience. And for the server, being friendly doesn’t come from a computer.” 40 | JULY/AUGUST 2011

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