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38 OCTOBER 2014 GOOD FRUIT GROWER Line built specially for Rainiers C helan Fruit Cooperative, one of the largest packers of Rainier cherries in Washington State, built a new packing facility this year that was specially designed to handle the delicate yellow cherry variety. Chelan Fruit, which has 300 grower members, was set to pack about 9,500 tons of cherries this year, including 1,000 tons of Rainier. It also expects to pack around 425,000 bins of apples. Dale Davis, direc- tor of special projects, said the cooperative's R a i n i e r t o n n a g e has been increas- ing exponentially, and the decision to build the new facility came after it acquired Orondo Fruit Company, which also had a large volume of Rainiers. Van Doren Sales and Compac, which have been work- ing together for 15 years, built and equipped the line. It features Compac optical color sorting and sizing systems and both internal and external defect sorting. David Buys, international sales director for Compac, which is based in New Zealand, said most of the electronics and optics came from New Zealand, while the stainless steel components came from Yakima, Washington. The cherries are singulated in water, and most of the drops on the line are water transfers that cushion the cherries. The system can handle more than five tons an hour of Rainier cherries or eight tons per hour of red vari- eties. Van Doren and Compac installed similar lines— though primarily for red cherries—at Tangaro Ventures, Ltd. and B.C. Tree Fruits in British Columbia, Canada, and at Columbia Fruit Packers in Wenatchee, Washing- ton. The Columbia Fruit line has a 36-lane sizer. A selection of the latest products and services for tree fruit and grape growers. GOOD STUFF s %NTER DIFFERENT ROW SPACINGS: the controller automatically maintains your rate per acre. s #OMPENSATES FOR CHANGES IN GROUND SPEED Automatic Rate Controller Option 400 gallon TTN profile Powerblast 400 gallon wheel-well Pulblast s v OUTSIDE TIRE WIDTH W,X TIRES s ADJUSTABLE WIDTH WHEEL CENTERS Rears Airblast Sprayers POWERBLAST PULBLAST )NTERCHANGEABLE AXIAL mOW FANS to match blade pitch and air volume to your application and horsepower. %LECTRIC FAN CLUTCH 2EARS #ONSTANT 6ELOCITY (ITCH powers through 90° turns 2EARS CENTRIFUGAL PUMP and 2EARS GEARBOX: manu- factured by Rears for more than 40 years. Simple pressure adjustment to maintain accurate calibration in different row spacings. 4HIS IS A TIME TESTED DESIGN FOR A WIDE RANGE OF APPLICATIONS 6ARIABLE PITCH FANS available in 28" & 36" dia. GALLON units with tank profiles for your application. 2EARS #ONSTANT 6ELOCITY (ITCH available for most Pul-Blast models 0ISTON ACTUATED DIAPHRAGM PUMP OR 2EARS CENTRIFUGAL PUMP Agricultural Equipment and Dealer information 800.547.8925 made in made in u s a u s a made in u s a Towers bring the nozzle closer to the spray target. Tower height and profiles to match your application. Tune air volume: adjustable air doors independently control target zones Match Rears' aggressive air delivery engineering to your application with 6ERTICAL 7ALL /VERTHE2OW or 'RAPE %LBOW TOWERS Dale Davis oversaw construction of Chelan Fruit Cooperative's new cherry line, which was specially designed to avoid damaging the delicate Rainier cherry. Cherries are singulated in water. PHOTO BY GERALDINE WARNER