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40 OCTOBER 2014 GOOD FRUIT GROWER GOOD DEALS… products and services for progressive growers GOOD DEALS FREE ESTIMATES FOR ORCHARD REMOVAL / RENEWAL / EXCAVATION Serving farmers for over 30 years •Pull—Pile—Burn •All Excavation Types •Immediate Deep Replant Ripping BOB MEYER / FMF EXCAVATION 509-848-2550 • 509-949-2601 Win the race against time with an AED. (AUTOMATED EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATOR ) $1650 $1095 A DIVISION OF WILSON ORCHARD & VINEYARD SUPPLY • Leading AED manufacturers available • Battery and pad replacement • Accessories • Discount on multiple purchases • AED management assistance Each minute defibrillation is delayed, chance of survival is reduced by 10%. GROWER SERVICES TREE REMOVAL? We have both the equipment and experience to handle any job: 1 tree to 100 acres! — Since 1974 — GARY J. TREPANIER EXCAVATING Cont. #GARY JTE1320 J Tieton, Washington 509/678-4769 Virus Free Certified .5 3005450$, 413*/( DELIVERY ORDER NOW! Greg Benner SINCE 1972 Techincal grower of custom trees and plants. . . TM 509.833.3486 Rent or Lease to Own for Wineries, Breweries & Distilleries DELIVERY OPTIONS AVAILABLE! 509-961-8252 RHONDA CALAHAN TRANSTORE Portable 350- and 550-gallon jacketed stainless steel. •FIRE & ICE Portable heating and chilling units. •MacroBins ® For Rent or Sale, Authorized Dealer EQUIPMENT & EQUIPMENT REPAIR Energieweg 1 - P.O. Box 4 6658 ZG Beneden-Leeuwen HOLLAND Tel. +31 (0)487 592944 Fax +31 (0)487 592970 E-mail VAN WAMEL B.V. +1/9ÊUÊ" ÊÊUÊ-,6 Over 65 years leading in orchard equipment! Orchard mowers 4'7"-12'6" 3-point hitch and trailed swing arm mowers 7'3"-12'6" Variable width mowers 4'10"-18'8" Flail pruning choppers 3'5"- 15'1" Brush sweepers Distributors: N.M. BARTLETT: Beamsville (Ont.), (905) 563-8261 FARMCO SALES: Kelowna, (B.C.), (250) 765-8266 AGTEC CROP SPRAYERS: Plymouth (IN) (800) 704-4292 BLUELINE LLC: Yakima (WA), (509) 248-8411 CAL-AG ENTERPRISES Fowler (CA) (559) 834-1588 c o n t a c t B l u e l i n e L L C 5 0 9 - 2 4 8 - 8 4 1 1 f o r y o u r n e a r e s t d e a l e r "7,-ÊEÊ "**,- ORCHARD LADDER REPAIR We Pick Up and Deliver Serving All Eastern Washington Since 1980 • Tallman Authorized Factory Service Center • 509-669-1259 or 669-2822 We Repair All Brands of Aluminum Ladders MISCELLANEOUS ONE-PASS TM PLANTING 1, 2, & 3 Tree Rows Per Pass with . . . • Underground Drip, Laterals, & Surface Lines • Nutrition, Inoculants & Herbicides in Contract Orchard, Vineyard & Nursery Planting Greg Benner 509-833-3486 Greg Benner 509-833-3486 ONE-PAS S TM ONE-PAS S TM S I N C E 1 9 7 2 VisionLogic, LLC. Yakima, Washington VisionLogic, LLC. Yakima, Washington plants, installs, and applies... Scheduling for Spring 2015 TREE PLANTING GFG Subscriptions Subscribe TODAY! • 800-487-9946 Successful growers from 50 countries around the world rely on GFG's comprehensive tree fruit coverage. 17 information-packed issues per year! ORDER FROM: Good Fruit Grower, 105 S. 18th St., Suite217 Yakima, WA 98901-2177 or call toll-free 1-800-487-9946 or CALL MARIA! (local number 509-853-3520); fax 509-853-3521. ON-LINE ORDERING: •