Best Driver Jobs

November 2014

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President's Profile 40 November 2014 BestDriverJOBS P rogressive Fleet Unveils &ŝƌƐƚ&ƵůůͲWƌŽĚƵĐƟŽŶ<ĞŶ- worth T680 with Natural Gas Engine Paper Transport recently unveiled the latest in its continuing move toward a PRUHJUHHQÀHHW±WKH¿UVWIXOOSURGXFWLRQ Kenworth T680 equipped with a natural gas engine. "We continue our move toward a more HQYLURQPHQWDOO\FRQVFLRXVÀHHWRSHUD WLRQE\UHSODFLQJRXUGLHVHOIXHOHGWUXFNV with Kenworth's most aerodynamic model powered by compressed natural gas &1*´VDLG-HII6KHIFKLNSUHVLGHQWRI Paper Transport. "We were excited to share WKLVQH[WVWHSLQWUXFNLQQRYDWLRQZLWKRXU HPSOR\HHV7KLV¿UVWIXOOSURGXFWLRQ.HQ worth T680 powered by CNG represents RXU¿UVWWUXO\DHURG\QDPLF&1*WUXFNLQD VOHHSHUFRQ¿JXUDWLRQ´ Paper Transport unveiled the new Kenworth T680 to about 200 employees DQGWKHLUIDPLO\PHPEHUVDWWKHDQQXDO company picnic at its headquarters in Green %D\:LV7KHWUXFNLVHTXLSSHGZLWKD KS&XPPLQV:HVWSRUW,6;*HQJLQH 6HYHUDO\HDUVDJR3DSHU7UDQVSRUW DGRSWHGQDWXUDOJDVDVSDUWRILWVEXVL QHVVVWUDWHJ\WRUHSODFHSHUFHQWRIWKH GLHVHOSRZHUHGXQLWVLQLWVWUXFNÀHHWZLWK WUXFNVUXQQLQJRQ&1*6KHIFKLNVDLGKLV company has since reached that goal due in part to the 20 Kenworth T660s powered by &1*IXHOHG&XPPLQV:HVWSRUW,6;* Environmentally Conscious WĂƉĞƌdƌĂŶƐƉŽƌƚ͛Ɛ:Ğī^ŚĞĨĐŚŝŬ

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