Student Driver Placement

November 2014

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W ith the recent passage of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), PTDI checked in with programs across the U.S. and Canada that received PTDI course recertification in August about how funding initiatives might help address the increasing driver shortage. "Any kind of funding to help more po- tential drivers attend school is critical for the industry," said Paul Bulick, execu- tive director of All-State Career School. "The driver shortage is huge and going WRJHWELJJHUWRWKHSRLQWZKHUH,GRQ·W NQRZKRZWKH\·UHJRLQJWRILOOWKHQHHGµ Although WIOA, which provides new funding to train workers for jobs in transportation and other industries, will QRW DIIHFW %XOLFN·V SURJUDP VLQFH LW·V already eligible for federal funding, he noted, "without a doubt, it will help the industry and non-accredited schools." Industry leaders expect WIOA will offer increased funding for entry-level driver training—a definite need in the industry, as many students in truck driv- er-training programs rely on loans and grants for their education. "Even though they are guaranteed to have employment right after graduation, \RXQJSHRSOHLQJHQHUDOGRQ·WKDYHWKH money to get through the program, so obviously this is a tremendous benefit for them," said Gina Buda, president of Progressive Truck Driving School, whose schools at three locations in Il- linois received PTDI course recertifica- tion. "Available funding is always crucial because our students are either in tran- VLWLRQRUXQHPSOR\HGDQGWKHUH·VVXFK a great opportunity for employment QRZ,·YHQHYHUVHHQVXFKDVKRUWDJHRI GULYHUVDQG,·YHEHHQLQWKHLQGXVWU\ years," Buda said. Even with the federal funding avail- DEOH´ZHVWLOOGRQ·WVHHDVPDQ\\RXQJ people as we would like to," she added. "The public needs to be more aware of the funding available and that there are jobs actually waiting for these young new drivers. Every student who comes through our school gets prehired and will have a job waiting." Beat School Schools Receiving PTDI Course Recertification Address Need to Fund Driver Training 14 November '14

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