STiR coffee and tea magazine

Volume 3, Number 1

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8 STiR tea & coffee industry international Incorporating Advertising Representation: Global Glenn Anthony John (Thailand) Tel +66 22 55 66 25 Fax +66 26 55 22 11 Mobile +66 818 299 409 The Americas / Northern Europe Emerson Leonard (United States) Tel/Mobile: +1 917 680 1050 Southeast Asia / Middle East Chris Michaelides (Hong Kong) Tel +66 22 55 66 25 Fax +66 26 55 22 11 Mobile +66 869 896 540 Spain / Italy Jonathan Wesley Bell (France) Tel: +33 563 414790 Production/Distribution October Inter Co., Ltd. Bangkok, Thailand Tel +66 22 55 66 25 Fax +66 26 55 22 11 Directors Glenn Anthony John Boonthin Tubsongkroh NEWS Optima's Linear Fillers produce up to 1500 filter pods per minute. An augur delivers precise portions into single-serve plastic pods. These machines can be paired with a compacting press to create espresso pods. Coffee Harvest Outpaces Demand December's deluge in Brazil doused hopes that yields will approach an estimated 60 million bags, a number since revised to 49 million bags, which is still a size- able low-yield year harvest. Exports are up 10.2% to 31.2 million 60-kilo bags, according to the Brazilian Coffee Exporters Council (CeCafe). Coffee prices revived on word that the world's largest coffee producer will fall short due to the wettest December in 90 years. The coffee producing state of Minas Gerais recorded 25 inches of rain in 30 days. Global production continues to outpace demand. Vietnam is harvesting a bumper robusta crop of 29 million bags and Colombia's arabica coffee production jumped 41% compared to 2012 with a yield of 10.9 million 60-kilo bags. Exports of Colombian coffee are up 35% to 9.7 million bags offsetting declines in Central American countries. An outbreak of Coffee Leaf Rust (CLR) in Central America claimed 20% of the region's harvest. Rains also hurt quality in Indonesia where Sumatra growers could not dry their beans. Indonesia's crop rose 74.7% to 12.7 million bags, according to the International Coffee Organization (ICO). Coffee process plummeted 23% in 2013, the biggest two-year drop in a decade and the third year of declin- ing prices. The threshold price of $1 per pound was tested in November but recovered to $1.15. Coffee was trading at $3 a pound in May 2011, a 14-year high. NCA's Robert Nelson Resigns new york, ny — National Coffee Association president and chief executive Robert Nelson has left the trade group after two decades of service. Chairman John E. Boyle said "Robert has guided our association from its most formative stages and led us into the 21st century with exceptional foresight, vision and leadership." Nelson said he intends to "pursue his passion for association governance and strategy development." Nelson said he will assist in a smooth transition, once his successor is chosen. Dub Hay, a former NCA board chairman, will oversee daily operations and serve as interim president and chief executive. The NCA is the first associa- tion serving the coffee trade and one of the oldest trade groups in the U.S. The group represents coffee growers, roasters, retailers, importers and exporters, and wholesalers. It was founded in 1911. Learn more: Moscow Show a Success moscow, russia – The United Coffee & Tea Industry Event enjoyed a suc- cessful debut at the Moscow Expocenter with more than 2,000 in attendance. The three-day UCTIE was a first drawing 85 exhibitors and hosting 40 workshops and presentations from 37 highly skilled professionals, according to organizers. Attendees were from Russia and the CIS countries, Europe, America and Asia. Champions were named in both tea and coffee with presentations of both The National Tea Masters Cup and Cof- fee Enthusiast Team Cup. Categories in the tea competition include Tea Master, Tea Composition and Tea Tasting with participants evaluating different aspects of tea. Eight teams of baristas competed on stage for a free trip to Ethiopia.

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