Outdoor Power Equipment

May 2015

Proudly serving the industry for which it was named for more than 50 years, Outdoor Power Equipment provides dealers who sell and service outdoor power equipment with valuable information to succeed in a competitive market.

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COVER STORY www.outdoorpowerequipment.com OUTDOOR POWER EQUIPMENT MAY 2015 17 OPE A sense of purpose in life A sense of personal control in your life A sense of accomplishment once the final destination has been reached Increased self-esteem and self-confidence If you have no goals or very few goals, either personally or professionally, it is going to be tough for you to move ahead. Generally speaking, good things don't happen accidentally, but because you set a goal to progress toward. I'll quote the wise sage Yogi Berra to reiterate the point, "If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else." My purpose with all of these articles is to make sure that you look at everything that it takes to be successful in the OPE busi- ness. Sometimes, it isn't about the numbers — it's about you as owners and your well-being. You need to stop and evaluate your situation, and mid-year is as good as a time as any. Look back over the past five-plus months and see how far that you've come, knowing that there is always more that you can aspire to become both personally and professionally. You are not a robot that can just continue on working without experiencing some sort of suc- cess. You need to sense that some sort of progress is being made in building your business — one you can be proud of and not a place where you are just in a routine that really leads nowhere. Make sure you are not burning yourself out with too many long days and no time away. Challenge yourself to find new opportu- nities to move the business in new directions and bring in new customers. Now is the time to really start making these dreams into realities by setting goals and accomplishing them. Jeff Sheets is the founder and owner of OPE Consulting Services. Whether a business is thriving or struggling to survive, Sheets' rich experience in both the corporate and not-for-profit sectors allow him to partner with business owners to customize unique strategies for their needs. For the past nine years, he has worked extensively with hundreds of outdoor power equipment dealers to create best practices in business structure, personnel management and financial profitability. For more information, he may be contacted at opeconsultingservices@ gmail.com or (816) 260-5430. You can also follow him on Twitter @opeconsult, connect with him on LinkedIn, and visit his website at www.opeconsultingservices.com.

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