City Trees

May/June 2015

City Trees is a premier publication focused on urban + community forestry. In each issue, you’ll learn how to best manage the trees in your community and more!

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Page 4 of 39 5 City Trees is the journal of the Society of Municipal Arborists, and is published bimonthly. The SMA is a Professional Affiliate of the ISA. President: David Lefcourt, Cambridge, MA Vice President: Jeremy Barrick, NYC, NY Past President: Rachel Barker, Tallassee, AL Executive Director: Jerri J. LaHaie, CAE P.O. Box 641 Watkinsville, GA 30677 Phone: (706) 769-7412 Fax: (706) 769-7307 Executive Board: 2016 Joe Benassini, Sacramento, CA 2016 Sarah Morris, Charlotte, NC 2017 Casey Jogerst, Portland, OR 2017 Nathan Slack, Ventura, CA 2017 Angela Hanson, Austin, TX ISA Representative: Bob Benjamin, Lombard, IL City Trees Editorial Review Committee Chair: Jeff Shimonski, Miami, FL Melinda Adams, Fort Worth, TX Steve Cothrel, Upper Arlington, OH Owen Croy, Surrey, BC Emily Hamilton, Surrey, BC Jamie Kirby, Missoula, MT Brett O'Brien, Columbia, MO Tami Sadonoja, Hamilton, ON Steve Shurtz, Baton Rouge, LA Kristin Wild, Willow Grove, PA SMA Web Site: Subscription Inquiries: or call: (217) 355-9411 (press 3 for membership) Story Ideas/Editorial Inquiries: Contact City Trees Editor Michelle Sutton for Writer's Guidelines before sending submisions. Advertising Rates & Calendar: Michelle Sutton, (845) 834-2779 Advertising Billing: Jerri LaHaie, (706) 769-7412 Disclaimer: No endorsement or any statement of claims in advertisements or articles is assumed by City Trees, the editorial staff, the Society of Municipal Arborists, or its offi- cers and members. The use of trade, firm, corporation, vendor, or proprietary product name is for the information and convenience of the reader. Such use does not constitute an evaluation, conclu- sion, recommendation, endorse- ment, or approval of any products or service to the exclusion of others. Photos and art used in City Trees are copyright to their respective owners and are repro- duced in City Trees for illustrative purposes only. Your Name: __________________________________________________________ City or Company: ______________________________________________________ Office Address: _______________________________________ Zip + 4 __________ Home Address if preferred: ______________________________ Zip + 4 __________ Phone: ( ) ______________________FAX: ( ) _______________________ E-mail: ______________________________ City Population: __________________ Job title, or if student, your major: ________________________________________ MAIL THIS INVOICE FORM TO: International Society of Arboriculture, Membership Department P.O. Box 3129 Champaign, IL 61826 Questions? Call: (888) 472-8733 (press 3 for membership) or email: Dues are for January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015 – Tax I.D. #31-1020171 Please pay by January 1, 2015 – Delinquent after February 1, 2015 Please make your check payable to: The Society of Municipal Arborists and check which type of membership you are applying for, on list below. Types of Memberships Professional – Persons actively engaged in municipal arboriculture or in related fields such as: city forester, city arborist, shade tree commissioner, tree warden, or any persons officially in charge of street or park tree planting and management, or their assistants. Category also county, state, or federal employees who are charged with responsibility of assisting municipalities with arboriculture needs. Non-com- mercial people in fields related to arboriculture, such as: landscape architects, scientists, and managers of arboreta can apply. Annual dues are $85.00. INVOICE For 2015 Membership The Society of Municipal Arborists Municipal –This group includes cities and towns with the same privileges as a cor- porate member with one vote and up to five non-voting members at an additional $25 per person. Annual dues are $150. Affiliate –This group includes non-professional individuals, who are not eligible for membership in another category, such as members of non-profits, state coun- cils, and allied professions who are not currently employed in an urban forestry position. This category has no voting rights. Annual dues are $50. Senior – This subcategory of Professional membership includes retired municipal arborists. Annual dues are $50.00. Student – This subcategory of Professional membership includes full-time stu- dents of a college or horticultural school, enrolled in arboriculture. Annual dues are $50.00. Corporate – Membership for commercial companies representing products and services of the arboriculture field. Corporate members are entitled to one voting member, and employees of the company are entitled to discount non-voting mem- berships at $35 a year. Annual dues are $150.00. Subscription to City Trees – Annual subscription for libraries and universities $60.00. ❐ Professional ($85) ❐ Municipal ($150) ❐ Affiliate ($50) ❐ Senior ($50) ❐ Student ($50) ❐ Corporate ($150) Please list names and email for those additional Corporate or Municipal Memberships at $35 each. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ I, the undersigned, wish to apply for membership in the Society of Municipal Arborists. I agree to observe all the rules of the Society and to participate as I am able in furthering its objectives. Applicant's Signature _______________________________________________________ Date __________

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